Level 11 in Timewalking

Why should I and other 3 people subject outselves to your single player experience? What is there for me to do other than leave why should I leave when Im not the problem but the guy ruining the dungeon for everyone else


im not the one crying about afking, you CHOICE to afk when you dont have too, you can still follow and cast a spell or 2 just bc it gets 1 shot doesn’t mean u have to afk, can still follow and act like your attacks matter

why do you think those 3 other people agree with you that’s pretty presumptuous.

like i said go do follower dungeons.

are you sure about that…

this is your own opinion you don’t speak for the others in the group dummy


Have you ever once paused and realized maybe you’re the one demanding the other four people do it YOUR way? Try a vote kick and find out who the minority opinion is!

Irony can be pretty darn ironic at times.


If it makes you feel better Cata has multiple effects that don’t scale properly and can one-shot twinks IE: infectious plague in Tol’vir.

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Why? Most people enjoy it, whether it’s being carried by a twink or being the twink themself. The content doesn’t matter anyway, it’s meant to be easy.

Things that didn’t happen for $100 Alex.

Scaling has always been borked, mythic geared toons can clear almost as fast as twinks can anyways.

Why are people so mad about it?
Is it because the twink moves so fast?
Is it because they cant be top dps with a twink?
Is it because they dont have a twink and so nobody should be able to?
I dont understand what the big deal is. All of the complaints are solvable by making a custom group in lfg. Ive made many so that i can play cross faction with my friends.


think its about they dont get to do an attack, when they still can just wont matter lol. They think they are forced to AFK when in a twink group…i was in one yesterday some one started to afk and they vote kicked saying afking lol

99.9% of people aren’t. It’s the control freaks that don’t like twinks carrying them through irrelevant content. I’ve grouped with close to 500 people with my twink at this point and I’ve only ever seen one person complain, and that person was swiftly shut up by the rest of the group lol.


Blizzard should force everyone to play the game the way I want it to be played and not the way someone else wants it to be played

I’ve never seen a level 11 twink here complaining about people slowing their runs down


probably because they know anyone who gets upset about a time walking dungeon is a literal :clown_face:


Stop complaining!

You want 30 min ques?

When the ques are too long, will you complain that there’s no one to do content with?

I love my 5 min dungeon runs. If you’re that hurt and want to do normal dungeons with people your level, go play the other versions of the game - Classic or SOD or Hardcore.

Playing the game is optional. You choose to play retail, knowing the possibilities.


Personally, as a healer, I would rather have a level 11 twink tank than an under geared 80 who wants to pull half the dungeon.

I know that’s not the most popular opinion but some of the 75-80 tanks have no sense of mortality. And before anyone says anything - a lot of them are very good it’s just some… (shudder).



I just run ahead of the twink and don’t attack anything…if this is the game, I’ll play by the new rules…0 damage is my new goal…

Good idea. No one cares about damage in TW dungeon.


Tw is nobodies endgame. It has the same availability as the DMF. People are lost in the sauce because blizz has had back to back timewalking events giving us a full season length of nonstop timewalking.

Seems like CTA is up a lot more for TW in cata week! Good time to get badges on twinks I guess.

Your friends are tuning out because their extremely easy random queue content is occasionally done faster?

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What? you crazy? I love having a low level in tw dungeons. They just kill everything in one shot and the dungeon is much faster. Let’s face it most of us lvl 80 are in in for only the quest reward anyways.


hey now! i join on my 70s to lvl them, when i get in a group with a twink im like sweet easy xp