Letting people into lfr nzoth without cloak indicates blizzard doesn't care anymore

Every time you post with that mog and name it brings me actual joy.

I also don’t see any merit on the 8.3 cape or lore, so much so that I’m not dedicating time to anything related to 8.3.

But I am also not entering DGs or raids.
So at least I’m not disturbing anyone.

And apparently, the devs are well aware that their cover is not arousing interest in several players.

It seems that the cape is something very boring to motivate some players to create it.


it’s on youtube.

That is what I am here for. But Blizzard should seriously look at the state of LFR.

You can watch method kill nzoth on mythic on youtube too, obv lfr is for people that want the experience of actually doing the fight and experiencing the content first hand

You know those figures are not accurate to the time lfr was released you are using vanilla and tbc stats wotlk had a way higher raid participation upwards of 81% so claiming lfr was a result of low participation is also inaccurate


Achievements! :smiley:

Also there’s quests, not sure if you can do them in LFR or not someone else will have to chime in on that.

They want the appearance and not necessarily the gear.

Of course there’s the story people too, they wanna know what happens.


you know I did that cloak 5 times i am sure not in the **** doing it 3 more times just to make some LFR warrior happy. the way the game is right now is really turning me off from playing.


without the cloak whats the difference? other than camera-turning?

Sun dies and becomes a big beautiful red dwarf.

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LFR is Cata. Dragonsoul was the first iirc.

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Exactly so using raid experience from before cata would be the sample size

This is why they came to the forums 2 weeks ago with a 15 step process to get your cloak. Mind you its alot more than that because they forgot to mention the pre cloak questline from nazjatar. I think they knew this was going to be a problem when they noticed all their casual lfr only players did not yet unlock their cloak. I mean they have all the stats. They surely foresaw this and just said lets see what happens!


Source please!

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Blizz had time to change the requirements. It makes them look bad for not accepting people don’t care about their cloak quest.

Can’t arm twist people to do crappy content that is the cloak quest. :woman_teacher: :man_teacher:

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Here we see how the cape is seen as an important accessory for players. :rofl:


ttps://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1305547-Guild-Raiding-Participation-WotLK-through-MoP here you go

Nope. They thought they could just double our work and that the casuals would do it. They forgot that the workload was already unbearable. They did not believe us. I believe somewhere Ion is telling his devs that the community gave him the wrong type of feedback so he didnt address the issue early enough. I guarantee the month after SL drops they will delete all our BFA feedback. They just do not care about the players like they claim they do.

Like I am an altaholic and am taking it somewhat slow. But I did take a week off over the last 6 weeks to play them and get them some essences. Sucks to be a wow altaholic raider. It just sucks. I avoid logging in at times due to essences and the cloak grind.


Im going to have to disagree here what game company would be happy for its player base or better yet what player base would be happy with getting a game starting it up and killing the last boss beating the game? the game having a small 2 hour story to go threw then you can fight and kill the last boss seems fair

I don’t see anything about 81%+ of players raiding?
That entire thread is only about guilds with logged kills of raid bosses and only reflects the number of raiding guilds for 10vs25 man guilds.