Letting people "Core Forge" Tier is lazy

I cant speak for every class but for certain I know that H Pallies, S Priests and Warriors have 0 desire to use the new Tier 2 bonuses as they’re poorly designed and a dps/healing loss over Tier 1

letting us keep the old bonuses with the updated stats and look is a cop out and will most likely continue into AQ and Naxx if we allow this to happen

New Tier should both Feel Good and Change how a class performs in a positive way|

It just feels like there was no idea how to “beat” the T1 so they made T2 so bad no one will use it and bandaided the T1 bonuses onto T2


oh did you figure out the process on obtaining Core Forged gear?


Oh, okay.

I personally like how T1 was designed I like the stance dancing playstyle. Though T2 just feels lazy and not a lot of thought put into it. I know they’re trying to make 2H warrior good which is what I wanted but they are buffing the wrong things and the tier set bonuses don’t help. Blizzard is Tone deaf and don’t see why Dual Wield is way better than 2H to begin with.

The problem is how strong those T1 bonuses are.

T1 would be BIS through the rest of SOD.

So now they have some incentive to actually raid and not just log off with BIS from MC.

How would you change the T2 bonuses?

I’m not a game designer so i know i personally cant come up with an idea that wont scale too high or be broken but having the T2 set be a clear upgrade should be the norm

Well take warrior T2 for example and some of the buffs they are making to the runes which aren’t significant in the slightest. Quickstrike will still be awful and just a bad rage dump. Rend still ticks for hardly any damage, And the whirlwind is just a nod at arms warriors not having to change stances to be able to use it.
Arms (2H) however you want to address it is missing major cooldowns like Deathwish and abilities like Flurry. So that forces them into Deep Fury to gain those benefits.

Arms main problems are (Rage generation, Damage, Cooldowns)
Most the abilities for 2H just don’t hit hard enough. Like Overpowers and Mortal Strikes hitting for 900-1200 in PvE and PvP Scenarios and you have Hunters hitting Chimera Shots for 3k+. The only good ability arms has realistically is execute and we need 100 rage just to land a good hit (also hope it crits).

Arms can feel slower but it’s the fantasy of hitting something really hard that feels satisfying about the build, they would need to change it where their abilities hit harder and bleeds tick for more damage. (Buffing Blood Frenzy, Change/rework Quick Strike, Wrecking Crew)

The way DW Fury scales deep wounds, it makes absolutely no sense to go arms, at all.

Core forging is actually awesome. It allows the devs to make set effects that can extend past the life of a single patch. Some effects in t1 were really good, and copy/pasting them onto t2 would have sucked. Now they can make new effects without the need for them to be 100% better than the previous tier in all scenarios. They can make side-grades!

This system also allows us to mix and match set effects for previous patches without sacrificing any base stats.

It’s a win-win for all.


I mean… it is if you’re not a warrior.

The warrior T1 six piece is so powerful that there’s no shot it ever gets replaced. They need to nerf that set bonus and buff warriors to compensate if they were balanced around it.

If you haven’t seen it, it’s just literally, “Here’s 10% increased Crit Chance and 10% increased damage.” All you gotta do is swap to Battle Stance and back to Berserker Stance once every ten seconds.

How is any set supposed to compete with that?


Yeah it’s like an extra set of world buffs on top of everything you have. Hard to disagree.

However you can definitely top it. There’s always a way. But that bonus is so powerful that it would have to be something even more absurd, like just “increase damage done by 25%”, and that’s it

Does feel like they’re gonna have to nerf tier 1 to lower the floor for future sets

where did people read you can core forge tier sets?

It seems for warrior at least, the devs understood they made a very demanding, very high APM playstyle for warrior with DW fury 6 piece T1 and probably alienated some players. T2 bonuses along with some attempts to buff 2h seems to be for people that don’t want to work super hard to get the most out of their damage. Even for 2h the t1 set bonuses are better though.

They also need to put some more hit on warrior T2… we get it, 2h gets nothing past 6 hit but even 2h is going to have a very hard time getting enough hit with the current T2 itemization. It is expected that every warrior will get DFT it seems.

Eh arms will still suck. Although, 2h fury is better. Most 2h warriors have been playing 2h fury. Also, 2h fury is rotationally the same as arms. They could make rend more impactful and take Quick Strike off the GCD. To make arms viable Mortal Strike needs to do more damage or imp slam like wotlk in the talent tree.

Even thogh you admit you are not a game designer, you are somehow able to tell when a game designer is lazy what with all your experience in knowing what goes into game design and balance? Stop calling people lazy when you know nothing about them. Just say “I don’t like X and this is why.” I have worked in game development. I have never met a lazy dev. The limited resource is NEVER effort. It is always time and money.

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