Letting pallys bubble with forbearance was a stupid change

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Sure was, but you might want to change that title

Paladin is the king of “noob mechanics”:

  • cast bubble while in forbearance
  • cast sacrifice automatically on low-health teammates

Reminds me of the old “auto-bubble” talent from… was it WoD?

It seems that according to the developers paladin players cannot play their class, therefore abilities should auto-activate for them…


It wasnt. Its more of a well deserved qol but as always it was half ased. Forb needs to go altogether


No paladin that isnt a bug abuser plays auto sac. You dont play a paladin from your comment alone. Sac is useless at low hp you are supposed to sac high on cds otherwise it does nothing.

Autobuble was stupid and came with legion not wod. Nothing pvp from legion was good


I’m not playing a paladin.

I don’t think auto-sac is good, or that good players take it.

I’m saying these talents show the perspective devs have on paladin players.


It was a necessary change geared towards Solo shuffle. If a Holy Pally and a Ret are on the same team, when the Holy Pally uses LoH or BoP on the Ret it gives the Ret Forbearance which makes it so the Ret can’t use bubble…and it’s not even in the Rets hands anymore. This gives more control to the Ret to allow them to Bubble even if the Healer messes up.


Its more of a trend and not only with paladin.

They gave shamans icy strike and auto icy strike that just procs by itself. No point doing that.

Monks have manual stomp and autostomp after fist of fury.

Assa rogues lost necro bone throw and its now autoproc from rupture

It just goes on and on. Its a trend from blizzard

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Being in Forbrearance can be caused by the HPal on the team fat fingering BoP on the Ret or visa versa. This change isn’t meant to address the PLAYER giving themselves Forbearance…it’s meant for no communication solo shuffle when a Healer LoHs or BoPs the Ret DPS or the Ret DPS LoHs or BoPs the healer which basically removes their strongest defensive ability from being used due to Forbearance.

Now in my mind…how it SHOULD play out. Is if the Healer BoPs or LoHs the Ret DPS or any DPS it should give the HEALER Forbearance and not give the Ret or any other dps Forbearance and the same goes for if the Ret uses one of those abilities on a teammate. This would leave the entire decision of getting Forbearance in the players hand versus having no chance at all to even consider using Bubble.

Also not even sure why this thread exists. Ret aren’t an issue right now lol. If this was about Hpals then I can understand that.


Everyone here turns a blind eye and loves to forget ret/hpal being a gimped combinatiom that no other two specs of the same class have this many testrictions.

Specially in rss. It just sucks and turns a lobby into dante must die mode whemever I zone in and see hpal or even worse double hpal lol


I think as long as bubble and bop can remove CC I don’t think that forb can ever go away.

We cant have a situation where you could play, like, ret+rogue+hpal and W key a healer and kill in 3 goes because you can bop/spellward/bubble/trinket aggro and win in the first minute by chaining immunities.


Speaking of magic bop, it should at least be purgeable.

Being completely immune to all magic is hella busted imo.

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Your bubble was yummy !

They should have just made “Forbearance” a per-player debuff - so the healer can BoP after bubble, but the ret cannot do the BoP → Bubble → Lay on hands combo (once the BoP forbearance is down)

You can actually MD it and for some reason Gravity Lapse works through it, but nothing else :confused:

Yeah meant regular purge. Haven’t seen many priests running MD lately either.

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If we were to start a crowd fund for you to go away, how much would it take?


Good question! Someone should reach out to xerohero or dredh to see what they were charged.


Fwiw you can still sac high and get value out of the autosac talent because it just resets your sac cd to 100%, sac being on cd doesn’t mean the autosac talent won’t activate

What a strange take. Why would you subjugate yourself to thinking this way?

It’s much better to think, Paladins (Ret) are a support class at heart. New players/returning players might not be in the good habit of pressing buttons like Sanctuary/Sacrifice. Talents like these help in the beginning. As time goes on, you can learn and be in control of your Sac. It is also better to Sac higher health during enemy cooldowns.

This talent is essentially training wheels to help players learn/understand what do to.