Letter to the Watch Commander

A message tube addressed to the Watch Commander is delivered, via post, to the Watch offices just after the seventh bell. Within is fine parchment, the letter itself written in fine, looping lettering.

To Watch Commander Orwyn,

Interested parties have reached out to me recently, informing me of a pair of prisoners within your care. One of them belongs to the same order as I, and as such, his welfare is of interest to me. What remains unrevealed is the crimes under which he has been charged. I also have concerns about his treatment, given the current circumstances.

I realize, given those same circumstances, this request may be difficult, if not impossible, to grant. I seek permission to enter your fair city, unarmed and under a banner of parley, to speak with Lord Tyrdan. To ensure his treatment is reliable, and question him personally on the nature of the charges laid against him.

Should this not be possible, I would wish to send one of my trading house to who is authorized to travel in your city to do the same. And to bring gifts(Subject, of course, to inspection. I understand the need for security in a place such as a prison.) to both Lord Tyrdan and one of our ren’dorei cousins also currently in custody.

Thank you for your time, Watch Commander. I understand you’re a busy man, and have no wish to keep you reading my missive any longer than you must. The Circle maintains a delivery box at the local post office, and any response you may leave should be directed there, where it can be delivered to me at all haste.

And while it is not my place…I am sorry. Not all of us have forgotten the blood debt owed to people and line of Arathor. But there is precious little we can yet do to fix things.

Respectfully yours,

Knight-Captain Caerys Anya Silyne Shadethorn,
Order of the Blood Knights,
Contessa of Dawn’s Reach
Matsyra and acting Dojess of The Circle


Dear Knight-Captain Shadethorn:

Thank you for your written inquiry. With regards to the prisoners, Ms. Nala’teth has been released on bail while we continue our investigation. She was initially charged with conspiracy to commit a kidnapping.

Lord Tyrdan is not a citizen and has therefore not been charged with a crime, as our kingdom’s laws do not apply to him. He was imprisoned due to the fact that he held a civilian member of the Watch captive for several months. His living conditions in the Stockade are adequate, and although the Watch does not administer the Stockade, we do continue to check on his treatment. He will eventually be released, once we are certain he poses no further threat to the kingdom.

Given our recent troubles with non-citizens entering the kingdom and causing disturbances, I unfortunately cannot acquiesce to your request to visit Lord Tyrdan personally. However, it may be possible to arrange a visit from an Alliance citizen on your behalf. Due to those same recent circumstances, this person must be vetted by the Watch and determined to pose no threat.


Lt. Commander Orwyn
Stormwind Watch

Anya rubbed the bridge of her nose for a moment. The man was being entirely reasonable. Vagaries of the world, however, continued to vex her. But there was an opening to do as had been requested of her. Options. She reaches for her quill and began to write.

Lt Commander Orwyn,

I understand completely. The information on Miss Nala’teth is welcome - let it never be said the Watch is without mercy. While the charge is serious, I have no doubt you will handle it with all due care.

It’s regretful that I cannot visit myself. In fact, I suspect I know one of the reasons why personally and I assure you - he’s as much of a pain in the backside to us as he has been to you. But - as stated, I understand why. Some day, I hope to be able to travel to your fair city under a banner of peace.

I do, in fact, have candidates to speak to Lord Tyrdan. The first may be the most problematic, as I’m told she’s sparred verbally with the man in the past. The woman in question is our Matsyra for the Alliance territories, Kylarya Silverstar. She is, however, the one other than myself most familiar with the order. The second is the mage Vitalya, a draenei of no small skill in matters both arcane and diplomatic.

The last is one of my oldest, and dearest friends. Her name is Shio’ri Stormcrow, and has served for millennia with both the Sentinels and the Sisters of Elune. Even I hesitate to act in one way if she advises another.

Should you wish to speak to any of them to vet them for safety, please, contact myself or the ladies in question directly. Thank you, once more, for your time.

~Knight-Captain Shadethorn

(( I am not a pain in the… oh. wait. guess I am…))

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