with the addition of new Ascendance forms can we please talk about shadow priests shadowform and the option of getting older shadowforms readded to the game.
i for one really REALLY hate the current version as it reminds me more of smoke than it does shadow. (or a fart cloud lol)
i’d like the option to use the Legion and classic era version please blizzard devs!
it’s been my one pain point of playing my shadow main for the last handful of years so i’d greatly appreciate the change or at least the devs acknowledgement on the subject.
what visual iteration of shadowform would you like to see return if you had the choice?
Am I crazy, or can you not still get a glyph for vanilla-like shadowform? I’m comparing some screenshots from recently on my priest to vanilla screenshots, and they look almost the same other than some extra effects on gear that show up like glow and stuff.
Damn, current form is far less transparent than the old vanilla/pre-legion one. Haven’t paid that much attention so long as I’m all dark and purply
The old form was colored like the Entropic Rift. It’s was dark blue and black with no purple whatsoever. It also didn’t have a vision obscuring fart cloud constantly trailing behind the character model.
I’d like to see Voidform and Dark Ascension moved down to line 8 and replace Shadowform.
Dark Ascension doing what it does AND being a better Shadowform. Simple as.
Voidform replacing our Mindflay for Void Bolt. And Surge of Insanity replacing Void Bolt for Void Eruption.
I also think we should have a full Insanity rework becoming a rapidly decaying resource again. And instead of costing us Insanity to cast DP, we would need to maintain a threshold to be able to cast it. This also could be what regulates Voidform. More Insanity more Power, but you need to be busy to maintain.
As for visual the only major change I’d make is adding a blurple outline (think the Nightmare Satyr Red outline) around the hands, feet, and head instead of the darkening fade.
Priests have been asking for shadow form glyphs and power word: shield updates for about a decade. It’s understandable that they would be a bit miffed to see visual updates for other classes when there has been such a dearth of communication about even the gripes with spec design.
Well, you can thank Blizzard for introducing us to that line of reasoning with their DF beta communication about why priests can or can’t have something because other classes are being given it.
Well for me personally, I just want back what we already had…
The World of Warcraft Legion pre-expansion patch was released on July 19, 2016
It is at this point that we lost the original Shadowform visual for the voidform visual replacement. So its been just over 8 years since we lost access to the original Shadowform appearance and I would argue that it was the best version out of their multiple versions we have had since and its quite pathetic that it already exists in current classic versions of wow… so why is it so hard to port over back to modern wow? The answer is that its not, they are just extremely lazy or they don’t care, either is not acceptable.
So the fact that they take the time to create an BRAND NEW appearance for Shaman’s Ascendence form yet they cant port over something we had for a decade and have lost access to for 8+ years is downright insulting and infuriating.
No, the devs are completely out of touch when it comes to priest because we have been asking for this since it was taken away and it had just gone on deft ears to the point it seems like an inside joke to just deprive Priests from actually receiving positive changes be it gameplay or appearance or otherwise.
they created glyphs and then just forgor about them
why is it too hard to make simple glyph of old versions of both ascendance and shadow form?
the ‘‘shadow form’’ after legion is not even shadow at all, just a void cloud…
devs don’t care that much about priest and thanks to that they lost their original identity - now everything is void purple because yes
Honestly it’d be nice to see more cosmetic customization options added in general. Ones that come to mind are; a shadow version of power word shield, shadow mend to replace flash heal,& levitate without the sparkle. An option I would personally like is to use the original voidform and original model for the void tendrils that spawn from idol of C’thun.