Lets talk PVP: Instant Cast Long Range Abilities

i like fast paced too. But 1 global is a too fast. I know that may be great balance to YOU but not everyone else. (especially the person being globeabled.) Which was what me Zeyan where talking about making alts and new player experiance. ALSO full PVE tank gear for PVP is fine. but when its any other set? You global them and thats fine to?

No one in PvP gear is getting globaldā€¦ Unless they are being attacked by multiple players. If you are a clothie sitting down and let me wind up an aimd shot on you I can global you with a aimd/auto/ks in a single global.

If you think people shouldnā€™t be able to get globald by players coordinating their damage then you donā€™t like a fast paced game.

my god. Just come duel me Kaidoe crusader strike im outside org i want to see your skill as a player if this is how you think. you have been instantly replying for the last 2 hours

Raiding atm. and also what does anything in what you quoted have to do with skill? People in PvP gear are not getting globald by single abilities that crit for 2k+ in a single global. And people in full PvE gear with 3k HP are gonna get globald because they donā€™t want to get PvP gear idk what to tell em.

Yeah I am raiding and just arguing with you while I raid. Just over here multitasking as usual.

sureā€¦ rightā€¦ even though i have been afk typing as fast as i can to respond to you. and you have responded back within less than like 2 minutes everytime. SURREEEEEEEEEEEEE. but offers ALWAYS on the table. just walk outside org.

What can I say Iā€™m just gifted like that.

yea i guess thats why your refusing to duel to. just tell me who you are and we can get this going im sick of the games.

I want to see your actual skill level.

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totally would if you werenā€™t on the mudhutter faction

trying to farm the blood caked mount and this is a clown festa, every time that a game has ranged / spellcaster meta that pvp is crap no matter what, rangeds are for fearful people, good when they have medium damage and use their utilities. druids can heal / root / dot and they STILL hitting 3,5k meanwhile a 2h melee will hit for 500 damage on crit with a white attack plus 400 with some skil, AND VERY windfury dependant for doing something in PVP (rip alliance because there are not enought ferals). not to mention the dots that are out of control and the infinite absorbs.

as a melee i can have 30k HP and i will do nothing because my damage is not enought before i die.

flameshock initial damage (or spread) needs to be removed in pvp, this thing hits 2x times of my divine storm without taking the debuff numbers, it can be lit 5x the damage


awwwwww wellā€¦ dam i was this close to getting a supplier.

What I am saying, you Nincompoop, is that people who are complaining about other classes functioning as per intended in SOD should learn how to actually play the game instead of spewing inaccurate truths and spreading mis-information.

SOD is one the rare versions of vanilla that actually manage to get class balance very close to what is deemed to many as ā€œfairā€ and ā€œbalancedā€ without taking away class fantasy or unique abilities that make each class special.

And by the way, warriors, unlike mages do not need to blow cooldowns or wait three minutes before they 1-2 button delete their opponents, in original vanilla.

If you are complaining about a hybrid spec like a druid or a non-mainstream DPS class like a hunter kill you in PVP in SOD, especially when they got the most recent round of undeserved nerfs and yet still suffer from Hybrid tax and are STILL not given the abiltiy to be made into full-fledged classes you need to get better at the game, period.