Lets talk addons - bugs/errors/crashes

I think a lot of addons that interact with Blizzard’s UI or raid frames are bugging out after patch 10.0.5.

I’ve been disabling BigDebuffs and OmniBar in raids so my fps doesn’t drop super low. I think BigDebuffs was the main issue. I disabled OmniBar too just to be safe since I don’t need it in raids and both addons are made by the same person.

I also use an addon to sort my raid frames in arenas/dungeons. I’ve had it bug out in RSS and dungeons. It’ll randomly re-sort my party, and I’ll be unable to target the person I need to heal via clicking on the raid frame. It really sucks when it happens in RSS. I’m not sure if my targeting keybinds still work in those stressful situations, because it’s confusing when things are randomly re-sorted and don’t match up anymore. And I don’t have time to test or figure it out or /reload, because someone is dying.

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Seems to be omnibar and bigdebuffs from everything I’ve seen, personally only experience the problem with omnibar and have had no issues since disabling it.

Pretty sure both are by the same author as well. Super annoying but blizz seems to be going out of their way to make their mediocre UI clash with every addon.


Yea, it seems to be mostly BigDebuffs and Threat Plates for me. I’m really at a loss. Both are really important to my playstyle. Ugg. :frowning:

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Within plater you can use buff special to semi make a big debuffs but it’s just not the same. I’m sure if someone super knowledgeable could customize it to be identical but it’s beyond my capabilities. I think mes even has a plater profile you can import.

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Good to know!

I’m looking at some Weak Auras that might do the same. That’s what I used ages ago. =/

Ugh… I was in RSS and OmniBar bugged out and then there were more weird LUA errors.

It was like my ability bar was disabled. I couldn’t cast anything for a while.

A few of my macros weren’t working either. I don’t know if that’s a Blizzard issue or if Clique is bugged.

Always fun to step into RSS and try to figure out what’s working and what’s not working in the middle of combat.

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I use gladiusEX cause gladius sux, also uninstall omnibar and redownload.
Final tip download the 3 different bug sack addons. Which prevents the error message from popping mid game.


Good call. Will try it.

What’s funny about the bug sack addons though… the one I had installed started giving me bugs. :laughing:

It never stops!

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I got BugSack, so I don’t see LUA errors popping up mid game, but stuff is still borked anyways.

I think this might be an issue with Naga mouse. Happens to me but I often play with no addons when im bging.

I bound my naga to numpad, if I hit shift and certain mouse buttons it activates the secondary function on the numpad, which is a left arrow for me.

I just unbound all my turn left/right keys.

I’ve also learned to play in windowed this xpac because of this.

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if this fixes it, I will kiss you square in the mouth.

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Wow… get a room.

I still get weird backpedaling lock sometimes and I have no walk backwards bound, not sure where that one came from. Otherwise it has helped reduce the issue. Still gotta minimize out though for the backpedal one.

You don’t need addons for these frustrations. On my DH if i swap from Havoc to Vengeance, Sigil of flame is greyed out. Can’t push it. As vengeance, it is BASELINE. You can’t untalent/retalent it. Have to quit the game everytime I swap to vengeance so I can use sigil of flame.

Then in our raid one of our survival hunters has the same issue but with Kill Command. Just gets greyed out as soon as we pull a boss, and he has to change his specs around and reload/relog to make kill command usable again.

Then there’s a new weird issue where you try to drag an item out of ur default bags frame, and it drops the item early and picks something else up, like u have clicked 3 times in 0.00001 seconds, and u end up nearly deleting something important.

Then whenever you go near valdrakken, ur mouse cursor slows way down and sometimes spins ur camera due to the server throttling to a tickrate of 15fps or lower near valdrakken AH.

Then there’s being disconnected while dragon riding near a tree/hill etc…

Arena queues resetting fishing nets

Groups STILL occasionally disbanding no reason

could go on an on it’s a real mess lately.


Had something similar happen with kill shot. It says required ranged weapon as survival. I drag it back out and it works. Swap back to bm, swap back, happens again. :sleeping:

omnibar. had to turn it off. bigdebuffs was throwing errors but it just got an updated last week, so idk about that one

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I’m trying to isolate which addon is making my fps drop to single digits every time an uhdk pops apoc.

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I shut off everything last night and am still getting frame lag in BGs. Just random stutters.

just started after the most recent patch. It’s like… everything is breaking.

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small indie company though so we should be patient and accept sub par workmanship from a studio the size of blizzard.

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Maybe we could set up a gofundme to help them out. =/

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