Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

So, you think… Low Honor Level = Low understanding of PvP?

I’ve been saying that for a long time.

Carry on.

As a fellow resident BG hero for the last 20 years, this is definitely the worst I’ve personally seen it ( outside of gaggles of twinks/premades who used to camp GYs for hours before Blizzard added BG timers - which was significantly less frequent ).

h ttps://imgur.com/a/HcCGl9v


you’re not in as good of a position to understand how things work

How complex do you think the issue is?


That would be a bad way to put it IMO. I think inexperienced would be a better word.

I can easily see someone at very low honor levels understanding more about PvP than certain people who are over 2k, so it would be a mistake to rely on the correlation too much.

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They jumped me, too - when I tried to point it out.

They don’t think there’s a difference between an Honor Level 5 Holy Priest that keyboard turns in Blitz - and the Honor Level 3200 Mistweaver that carries every BG I’ve seen him in.

Breaking News: There is… a huge difference. I’ll take the Monk that’s been PvPing consistently for years.

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Hi, new this season to pvp and just got slaughtered at AV by a premade. No one was happy. I’m still not very good and don’t want to blame it on premade, but cheese and rice u can tell when u are getting slaughtered and have no chance.


I just really want to know what honor level we need to be or how many EBGs we’re supposed to run before we can have an opinion on them.


I have an Honor Level requirement for my Bnet friends list of 2,000.

I have no friends.

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That’s cool and all, but I feel like you really just want to talk about your honor level, and there’s no other point to it.


I wouldn’t mind them

They’re either botting or permanently homebound which means they’re a loser when you boil it down

Even if being homebound is due to something beyond their control, the forum persona kinda kills any sympathy one could possibly feel


Yeah… don’t mind me, guys.

Rolls wheelchair away in shame


But even he’s not that good.

The only players over 2000 I’ve seen that are actual accomplished pvp’ers are Dean and Flarkness.

Enfers not up to snuff?

I’m pretty sure he’s queue exploiting now.

I don’t add sell outs.


Idk man, I don’t think that having over 1200 honor levels is actually a flex, like unless you’re a streamer or a pro (who makes a living out of playing the game), that just feels like borderline addiction lol

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Got it. So you believe having a queue limit in the game but allowing people to get around that queue limit is at least ok design. huh.

I totally disagree. Allow it or don’t. The in between allows for this type of exploiting of a mechanic. Yes there will never be perfect balance, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to make it better.

I do find your statement that it doesn’t feel worse now to be odd though. I don’t see that at all. It feels worse this season than last even and last season had quite a bit.

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It just means they have been using exploits in PvP for a good long while.


If somebody has every achievement in the game - it’s a flex.

If somebody has every mount/pet in the game - it’s a flex.

If somebody is a R1 Arena player - it’s a flex.

If somebody is ranked 15th in the ENTIRE World in Honor Level (Owlcapwn) - it’s a flex.

It’s always the people who aren’t capable of doing anything - that knock it. If something is meaningful to the person accomplishing it - it’s a flex. Congratulate them and move on. That’s what I believe.

It means they’re in desperate need of fresh air and sunlight.


Same could be said for Hirav - but he’s still alive and kicking.