Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Sync groups are called premades no? The threads complaining about them are labeling them as premades no? Like what lol

That addon he highlighted is bad, but hitting the queue button when others do at the same time is not an exploit. Not taking ur queue if others don’t get it is not an exploit either.

No, they’re called sync queue premades. Now you’re just arguing semantics because you failed to make the obvious distinction between the two and don’t want to own up to it.

Lmao u combine the two and now it’s a different thing. Next time there an anti premade thread, go educate the op then on the difference. Doubt you’ll do that, prolly just going to agree with them and not play these mental gymnastics ur doing rn

Yes, there’s a clear difference between legitimate 5-man premades and those abusing the queue system to get larger-than-5 premades into epic BGs. If you can’t see that, it’s not my problem.

Welp, explain that to the ppl who rip on others going with a full 5 man group. I’ve seen the complaints in game and on the forums plenty of times. Regardless of the technicality, the avg player still calls them premades and that’s the argument usually made against them; sync or not.

Also, since we’re being technical. Blizzard doesn’t view taking a queue when others pop as an exploit or abusing the system. So yeah

While you are correct, it makes 0 sense. Why remove the ability to sync as a raid, but allow people to queue at the same time as others? Seems like they can’t communicate properly or understand what their own intentions are.

So brass tactics:
2 Player duo in BGB is technically a premade, because you made it before you entered.
5 players in a group is technically a premade, because you made it before you entered.
20-40 players in 5 man groups would be a queue sync premade, since the groups are made before they enter, and then aligning timers/ using addons to get into games together.

For the last one, that is the one that makes 0 sense in any way shape or form because they took away the ability to raid group, but that is allowed.

Make it make sense lmao

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You can continue thinking you know Blizzard’s exact current stance on this, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s becoming a much bigger problem. It’s driving players away from epic BGs and the game in general.


Unfortunately, they are right. I made a ticket a while ago in customer support on this exact point, and they pretty much said its not against the rules. So while it may be an unpopular opinion, that is the stance they have taken.

yeah their communication can def be confusing at times if not pretty vague. they were pretty clear on the blue post that ive seen floated on here, but ppl don’t want to accept it. if they change their stance tho and state that u cant sync anymore, then it is what it is and ppl will just have to abide by that. still won’t stop the 5 mans from qing up and having ppl from the same communities in some games tho.

they really just need to add acct wide penalties for leaving games and dont allow u to drop a q. constant q drops/time outs add a timer to q again or something. if i had something come up IRL that caused me not to be able to take that q, idc if it’s a 10-15min timer, either that obligation will take up more time or i’ll just do something else

I mean, their latest take on it is their current no? If it changes then players will have to go w/ it, but currently they allow the current state of qing/dropping/leaving/etc… whether we like it or not.

players are driven away from reg bgs too and those are just 5 mans most of the time… end of season too, its normal to see ppl take a break from wow ; even if it means ending their sub for a while. it’s easy to blame it on balance, m+ toxicity, premades, bad vaults, etc to justify leaving the game

Sadly, this is true, considering how many people you guys have managed to drive away so far. I’ll concede that it’s pretty obvious Blizzard will let these groups ruin the game mode and push more players away before they take any action to fix it.


You really do a good job of proving me right.

Very blatant lie.

Just because you work for blizzard doesn’t mean you get to set the rules, that’s a known fact.

Straw man argument.

so if blizzard employees cannot set rules, who does? the players?

The rules are already set.

who made those rules? blizzard employees right? u make no sense rn

… you can’t possibly be serious.

dont want to admit ur wrong or something? good talk

How am I wrong? Does a bank teller get to say how a bank runs? If you are googling it the answer is no. Don’t think too hard bud.

lmao rly, cant even w/ u - bank teller will know more about how the bank operates than say the janitor that is also an employee of the bank.

in the case of the blue post, that is a customer facing employee that relays blizzard’s stance on the topic. just because u dont agree with it, doesnt mean that their statement is irrelevant; they are still the voice of blizzard in that post. Now, if a more senior employee, lets say Ion, were to make a statement then it’s safe to say that the old post made by a CSR is null and void due to the game director stating something different. do you need the CEO to make a statement or something? will that even satisfy u, do u need the board to make a statement instead?