Lets talk about Levitate!

Handy spell. Great for slowfall situations. It lasts a long time and can be cast on others.

It’s fun to float around your hub while you’re doing your chores, or even in dungeons. It’s a cool flavor spell.

But it sparkles… Or it’s a cloud…

Blizz, how about a glyph for us Shadow Priests that want it to match our theme a little better than glowing yellow sparkles, or monk clouds.


Making Voidform’s unique levitation (no sparkles, arms out) a glyph for Levitate would be the best solution for this IMO


Absolutely. I 100% agree with this!

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Call for Monkey Magics cloud

No!! Don’t do it!

I loved back when I used levitate and I literally just walked in the air a couple feet high. Simple and worked.

Want glyph for that.


No, that was so bad. I’d much rather have what we currently have over going back to that silly nonsense.

You can have multiple glyphs to alter the same spells cosmetic.

So that’s your choice, fine. I have my own likes and I liked it the way was in the beginning.

Its just a matter of personal preference/choice.


They should have just not added the sparkles.

When they were updating priest spell effects in legion, they made it so levitate just made you use the floating combat pose like voidform/apotheosis/rapture, then people didn’t like that so they changed it to twinkle toes and called it a night.


they could make a 1.5 sec cast time on cloud and use the monkey magic whistling noise :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes to all ideas, also throw in PW: Shield shadow glyph!!!

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Oh yeah, that’s another one that I wouldn’t mind seeing changed up a bit.

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I do not want to sparkle. Ever. It looks especially stupid on shadowpriests, who looked just sitting there levitating in regular shadowform.
Levitate should not have a visual effect- other than you levitating. If you want a goofy cloud to ride on or pansy sparkles, then that’s what glyphs should be for.

Since coming back to the game, I’ve had this idea that Levitate should (or could) work similarly to a demon hunters glide on the priest themselves. Hold your jump button in mid-air to levitate slowly downward with or without directional control. Remove the break on damage, and maybe even give it some real utility like avoiding ground damage effects (legion priest quests, anyone?). That’s just my two cents.

As a current DH main i’d love it if other classes had similar mechanics for their own slowfalls. I wonder if there’s addons for that. Also, yeah, other classes having directional control with their slowfalls would be nice.

Side note: Is jumping while levetating the same as double jumping? Or is it the same vertical distance as a regular jump. Or is it less than a double jump, more than a regular jump.

I wouldn’t want to have to hold my jump key in order to use it. I like using it around town as well as in dungeons to just float around.

Levitate itself is slightly lower to the ground than a normal jump. Jumping while levitating (which I’m glad they let us do because we never used to be anyone to.) Is higher than a normal jump but nowhere near the height of a double jump.

It also feels kind of disjointed because you still slow fall from your own jump. Which I suppose makes sense, but you can’t jump at the regular pace that you could of you were just running around jumping. Your jumps are a lot slower so it’s a lot less fun. Lol

This. This is something I wish it did. Let me avoid ground spikes and lava ect…

I wasn’t suggesting removing the on-cast effect of levitate as it exists currently, merely adding an additional way to use it for the priest. If, in the air, you hold jump you instead begin to levitate slowly to the ground in the direction you’re facing. Another candidate for this is moonkins with flap. Why does it have to be a separate action bar ability? :thinking:

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I recently got that spell and I about lost my mind. I legit was walking across the water in Darnassus just in awe. XD

It is freaking awesome to say the least.

And about the appearance, as it seems to be a bit topic, it would be awesome if you could transmog it :grin:

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