Lets talk about Hair ... Specifically Cornrows

Ok so lets talk about hair, specifically the cornrows…

I get it Blizzard/Activision wants to be all inclusive and expand Diversity in the game. New skin colors for the humans, new hair choices… But lets face it. What we got presented for Cornrows is a complete and Utter insult of the style. As someone who wears cornrows on a regular basis, I’m ABSOLUTLY DISGUSTED. And No I’m NOT using that hair on ANY of my human characters. I was actually excited to see cornrows in a game that I love playing and have played for almost a full 15 years straight. But that disgusted me, not only are the braids so uneven, there is no actual Hair underneath the braid for it to have grabbed on to. It was like Hey were going to bic (shave down to scalp with a bic razor) all the hair from your scalp after we do these braids that only people who are still learning how to braid would be creating.

Now lets get something straight, you did the cornrow style braids better on the night elf female model with the Sombra hair style, than you did with the human hair. Why!? Why would you do it so good on a make believe race, and then put something that is so rushed and so lazy out on the human side, when they are the ones you are allowing to be dark skinned for people who want to play as black characters? Or even for people who want to play as Scandinavian/Viking characters (because yes that was just as much a part of their culture as African/African American culture)

On those cornrows, not only is it so easy to keep those super even in size, because of the parts, but to completely and utterly BIC their scalps so they are smooth skinned with little bits of hair?! You should have in this pattern, no matter what style of braids you create - Part, Hair slicked down on the scalp, Braid, Hair slicked down on the scalp, Part, and repeat for as many braids as you want until you reach the edges.

And to further add insult to injury you add those Nasty looking baby hairs on the female model that are so thick they look like they were pasted on there and are not wisps like they should be for baby hair. I SERIOUSLY hope there is a plan in place to fix that Hair style, Because you’ve already proven you know how to do braids to being with, and you’ve proven you know how to do dreads, and you’ve proven you know how to make cornrows that ACTUALLY LOOK GOOD, but you go and stick the humans with the worst possible thing you could have created. I know I’m ashamed of this and I would hope others who see this disgusting piece of garbage that is the cornrow hair style are to.


eats popcorn while waiting for the trainwreck this is sure to be


bruh for real! these cornrows are trash lol they need to do better for both male and female

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How do you people even find these threads to necro them


Unrelated but I could go for a corndog right now.


search box most likely.


Do you just

Get bored and search “cornrows” to find this post?



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Good hell, you’ve been waiting seven months with that popcorn.


Sounds like my local movie theater.


Lol, long wait…but it’s paying off?

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May the popcorn be ever plentiful…

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Now that’s just splitting hairs…


Why don’t old topics here auto-lock like pretty much every other WoW forum?

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I plant real corn between my cornrows. :corn:

Should have a crop coming in by late August , fam.

The OP was so upset over this that she’s still 50.
Really quit the game over the cornrows.

Now that’s devotion to the 'rows.


Sadly, they have abandoned their poor DH for one of their alts got the 60 treatment. :crying_cat_face:

Let’s talk about cornbread.

To be honest that hairstyle, graphically looks awful.

I don’t know but some people are going to have a restroom break problem eat all that popcorn.