Let's Talk About Guilds

Guilds. They’re ignored… a lot. The other guild discussion thread is dying out, and there’s plenty of guild masters who’d like to hear where guilds are going in the next expansion. Here’s a list of issues:

  1. RECRUITMENT: The standard recruitment system is still useless. Even though it was recently updated in 8.2.5, it’s still awful.
  2. PERMISSIONS: we have less control over guild permissions than before. As Osiris so brilliantly put it:
  1. ACHIEVEMENTS: They don’t care about the achievement system at all anymore. The only achievements we’re seeing are dungeon/raid achievements added to each tier. I actually made a custom list of guild achievements that I think they should add. Just a warning, though, because it’s 27 pages of reading.
  2. NO NEW LEVELING SYSTEM: The problem with guild advancement/leveling is that max-level guilds had the advantage since they had all the top-tier perks. Why can’t Blizzard figure out a way to balance this?
  3. REFUSING TO BRING GUILDS INTO THE MODERN AGE: Guilds need more reasons to interact. Whether it be entire guild halls or guild centers in cities. Whether they make guild-centered content or guild missions. Just do something that makes guilds meaningful again.

I’m no longer a guild master, however, if Blizzard started paying attention to this core social feature in their game again, I would totally sign back up. Let’s get to discussing guilds again.

Please discuss. It’d be great to have the idea of major guild changes brought up at Blizzcon 2019, as they’re sorely needed.


Let’s get this thread out there. We need more people talking about this. Why, you might ask? Why does this matter to you, even if you don’t run a guild?

An integral pillar of any MMORPG is its social factor, and guild make up a majority of this social factor. If Blizzard improved upon the guild system, the game itself would be much more enjoyable for a majority of players.

The essence of an MMORPG is socializing. Solo content is appreciated in spurts, but a functioning guild system is a must, and is also something we don’t have right now.

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I’d like them to implement an incentive program at least. Something for the guilds that have been active year after year. And spread the respect around. Something for the members that have remained active in the same guild year after year.

Cosmetics, titles, mounts. Things of that nature. To reward longevity is to encourage longevity.

Just let us cross-server invite players, even if they only have access to guild chat. Let each character join 1 guild per server, up to a maximum of 5 servers.

Id like guild housing like they have in FFXIV, but would need better implementing to be fair. That way you can have events and such at your house.

This would also make peofessions worth while again to make furniture and housing materials.

This would be especially fantastic. I think having a lot of the cosmetic content be rewarded through the guild system would be neat. It’d give players who want cool mounts a reason to team up with guildmates to do difficult achievements for cool rewards.

Incentive. Incentive. Incentive. It’s what guilds are lacking, and what guilds need right now.

Also, increase the number of players that are allowed to join a guild. I feel like with alts and other players who want to be included, you could fit well over 1,000 players in a guild.

I’ve always been very back and forth on guild halls, but if they made them more of a base of command without most of the major city vendors (AH for example) and all of the guild commodities, it’d be a great thing.

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I think I saw somewhere they were working on a recruitment feature, probably next expansion.

As for permissions, it’s really weird that we got less than before? For no reason explained.

Never cared about guild achievements or leveling system. Leveling system only cause more cesspool guilds because people join for the perks, not for the guild.

All in for Guild halls, but Idk, I don’t think housing in wow needs to be a priority. And, if they don’t add shop items that will affect it I dont think it worth the development time. And since I hate everything in the shop. I prefer no housing.

I thought the comunity feature also was gonna help to have communities across servers. But, there’s not really enough moderation features, or just features, the cap is low for that kind of thing and discord is just better.

That’s the new recruitment feature from 8.2.5 that you saw. It works the same as the old one, so not at all.

I totally agree. I don’t know why they want to take control away.

Guild achievements, at least with our guild (who loved doing things together and having things to push our group further), were such a great feature. It gave us an incentive to get things, and some even rewarded us with items to buy from vendors in return. The leveling system obviously wasn’t working because of the perk corruption, but they should’ve gutted and re-done the system to avoid the issue, not just gutted it.

Yeah. I don’t agree with the whole furniture thing, and I really don’t care for the whole housing movement. I think guild halls would be great as a sandbox that a guild could build up by doing group missions, instance content, and maybe things like guild quests. You could establish different buildings with different features for you guild.

Communities are actually a negative factor when it comes to the guild system. It’s one extra feature that players can engage with instead of guilds. Guilds are supposed to bring people of all backgrounds together to play WoW, but communities were specifically marketed as groups for common interests.

Really sucks.

To be fair, we always had the guilds advertising on their realm forums. People also used personnal website for a long time, now it’s the era of wowprogress. Could Blizzard develop a wowprogress feature? Maybe but it already exist. So I don’t know at this point what they can do better, or if people would want to change. Could wowprogress be partnered or made more palatable? Maybe

That’d be a neat start. Maybe just make the guild finder a bit more detailed. Perhaps they make it so guilds could create detailed questionnaires, and GMs could receive a notification when there’s an application.

Guilds should be able to earn a type of currency that allows them to do things like transfer folks from other servers for the purpose of joining their guild.


I personnaly prefer those tools on a website and outside of the game. But they could make a LFG section just for guilds recruitment I guess, that would be better than the tool we got.

This would be a great idea.

Yeah. I just kinda hate how we’re relying more and more on 3rd party stuff nowadays. They gotta figure out how to bring it all back in to WoW.

I mean tools like wowhead. Blizzard has clearly no interest to do that kind of thing. The amount of work that is needed to keep that sort of website up to date? If someone is gonna do it for free let them do it xd

Oh yeah, I wasn’t bashing them xD. More like all of these different raiding/progression websites and calculation websites. It’s kinda overwhelming

Gotta get some OCD out of the way before I can comment…

The title of this thread should be “Let’s Talk About Guilds, Baby” (apologies to Salt N Peppa).

This is a very good suggestion.

For sure there aren’t a lot of ressources to help players directly from Blizzard. Maybe they could make a beginner page linking to some websites but that would be like partnering those websites and endorsing them. Don’t know if that’s something Blizzard wants to do.

Things like classes discords, icyveins, wowprogress, raider.io, wowhead.¸

Comparatively speaking, class forums are mostly dead because of poor feature and well it being part of the wowforums (not a great moderation rep), there isn’t much basic information how to play your class on the forums, the guilds posting in their realm section have to keep updating their thread to show up.

Guilds are becoming less and less important, because people can beat the game without making any friends. Why the hell would Timmy go through the trouble of learning his class, boss mechanics, and applying to a guild, when he can kill Azshara in LFR?

You’re that guy, huh…

That’s how I feel. I think they could keep LFR as a way for people to see the story, but there really shouldn’t be gear. It ruins community. Why join a guild when you can hop in a queue?