Lets talk about flying, cause it bugs me

So ya, we have to use a spacific mount to dragon flight in this expansion, i get it… its the concept.

Buttttttt… I also feel at a certain point we should be able to use what ever mount we want to fly, but still have dragonflight abilities. It would be awsome to use what ever mount we want and still use the dragon flying abilites. Even druid should have dragon flight abilities in their form as well. We work so hard at obtaining these mounts for some of them. I mean, who else feels that we should be able to use what ever mount we want to use. The dragonflight abilites should be infused to everything in these areas.

Was sometjing that bothers me… sick of using these dragon mounts… im sure ppl feel the same.

It should happen :frowning:

Crazy idea, man.

Pretty sure that Dragon Riding is being given to the vast majority of mounts next expansion.


This is absurd! Dragon flying should only be for 4 mounts and require you to do Endless Proving Grounds before being allowed to use them!!!

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Way too early…

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It’s coming in The War Within. There are over 430 mounts that will be able to use dragonflight, including the flying carpets, horses and panthers. As well as druid flight form.


Omg they keep nerfing this game for the casuals man… what’s next I log in and get full legendaries in every slot?

Can’t wait to see the animation. Some of them are bound to be laugh riots like the pirate ship mount.


My dream come true would be Magic Rooster dragon riding lol

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Crap they are putting it too my Love Rocket…can we still use these mounts like normal flying …anyone know?

I hate dragon flying …

Never mind I found it …you can use either …thank God…by the way the the Flying Pig Hogrus can dragon fly…that’s going to be a riot seeing that zoom by…


From what I understand, there will be a toggle.


Yes you can swap back to classic flying

Which I am glad for I really really hate dragon flying…yes I much prefer slow poking it along…

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Can this be done mid flight?

Not until 10.2.7

This is just the start of s4.

Things are changing next expansion.

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Great idea


Sunday was
<----------- That way.

Interesting question.

I’m going to go ahead and guess no, since they won’t want people to be able to access both immense speed and easy targeting (mobs, nodes, chests, quest items, cave entrances, etc.) at the same time.

Wow ez … not even close… just talking about getting around man… :relieved: