Lets talk about APM, Blizz

How can you actually sit there at your desks and type out “Prot warriors APM is a problem and needs to be reduced” when 1) Noone is asking for this change, its a non issuse, Prot warrior feels fine right now, leave it alone. The only thing you should be doing is fixing the warrior talent trees and making us more viable to groups in the M+ setting. 2) How can you sit there and call our Prots APM when Prot Pallys and Bears have justas high or higher APMs? (Yes Pallys, you have all the stuff and even higher APM and they even doubled down on you APM in your tier set haha). Revert the prot rage and apm changes blizz. Ffs… let us have fun. Go fix Brewmaster. No changes would have been better than this for Prot Warriors. TBH at this point, if you don’t revert the changes, it really would show just how out of touch you are with your player base that actually play the spec. You guys already made tanking less fun from last expansion to this one with your paper thin tank changes.


Most agree with you. Blizzard likes to fix things which are not broken.


You forget that a lot of what they do is guided by the Vision™ and has little to do with players’ enjoyment.


Just because you don’t see someone asking for a change, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


are you? or you just like to chime in?


I made the decision in dragonflight to play the class on the complete opposite side of the apm spectrum.


so basically that trend about prot warrior has nothing to do with you? :slight_smile:

Maybe I don’t play prot warrior anymore because it made my hands hurt and I’m too afraid to say so because you might bully me



If you feel too fragile, dont look for professional help on the ptr forum. :slight_smile:

That’s why I submit my suggestions in the private in game box


What is apm ?

Stands for Actions Per Minute

They need to revert this while they’re at it. Pugged quite a few 11’s on my alt this week and the amount of tanks falling over is ridiculous.

Honestly having active mitigation abilities such as SotR (1s CD, HoPo gated), IF (0.5s CD, Rage gated) and IP (1s CD, Rage gated) all being spammed excessively throughout combat (easily reaching 20 or so APM) for these tanks does lead to somewhat of a much higher APM to other specs and is definitely something that’ll put off players from even playing those specs or players who don’t bind oGCDs to a separate and more comfortable keybind such as the side button on a mouse with multiple extra buttons.

Some say this is a draw to it due to how ADHD that gameplay really ends up being, but realistically they could stand to cap the usage of each of these abilities but this would require reworks for all three of these tank specs as a result, which is definitely doable but the fact that they’re just hammering at one problem child instead of leaving it to a proper rework for each spec is concerning.


I like the changes.

Don t like tooo high APM specs bec. it causes me pain @ 1hand. (old injury) And it kills for me the pace of an MMO its no H&S for me.
But i understand that some people like it.

They should have just give 1 slower talent build+ 1 faster.
Both sides happy.


Afaik, most tank specs are high APM with the exception of Deathbringer BDK.