He can’t.
He also can’t post on the toon with 0 lights or heroic LK kill.
The last dude I just argued with said he killed heroic LK back in original wotlk pre ICC buff.
These dudes will literally lie about anything, I’m curious if they believe it.
If you’re gonna spend your WoW career flexing and calling others bad, at the very least have something interesting to provide or look at.
Otherwise you’re just an elitist with no purpose.
I’m a BGer, best I’ve done was 1-light and 10 Ulduar with HMs, bgs were always my main.
You can call me bad all you want, fact of the matter is WoTLK PvE is easier than DF PvP.
Retail is just crazier and faster, not necessarily more enjoyable but it is more difficult.
The past is the past, again, did that when I was a kid, already saw ICC and all the raids.
Are you his retail toon?
Nice heroic LK kill in 2016.
You farmed him!
Have you seen your account?
No Cutting Edges, hell you don’t even have any Ahead of the Curves which is just heroic raids.
Highest arena rating 1550, 100k HK achievement and no bloodthirsty…
Man you showed us.
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It’s my old Vanilla toon I stopped playing but sure.
There’s no other account.
And you keep thinking PvPers still do arena?
Lol you really are stuck in the past.
Current content is still harder than what you’re doing, mental gymnastics from Classic players, I swear.
Anything to justify their old struggles are still relevant, lol.
Oh the old “it’s on my other account”.
Sure bro.
Instead of taking the high road and acknowledging that other people helped you get your gear, and paying it forward - your true colors come out.
thats such a cringe take. How about not grouping with people you “dont care about”
They always whine that a low parser wins a roll over them. Why are they grouping with low parsers, invite good players nobody is stopping them
I agree. This mentality is bred from the idea that forming a raid is always someone else’s responsibility and somehow these people should cater to their needs.
The truth is no one owes anyone else anything. Want better groups? Form your own or go along for the ride and at least be a polite guest.
That’s why gdkp discords are so good.
Everyone gets checked.
Then every gdkp on that discord is a good run.
This is crazy how you seeing all this man govenrment!?
Do me! Do me!
Because he posted on a retail account and armory is public information
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