So I read through this entire thread a few times and thought what better way than to open up my argument with a very plausible black and white scenario
- Example : player “looking for more hogger” in lfg channel
like 15 or so jerks in lfg channel right click to report spam and gg you are squelched for 24 hours or until a gm answers you appeal ticket to remove the squelch…
(average wait is currently 24 hours; once they get a influx of people for classic that wait time will go up meaning people will get squelched for 24 hours and the squelch will auto lift before a gm can resolve the issue. Meaning they likely won’t look into who reported you, as the “problem” sorted itself out.)
Now you can’t properly communicate with people for a day and thus cannot do a lot of group content(a core part of vanilla) because some jerks decided to abuse a system that either needs modification or removal…
/sarcasm Great system am I right?
If Blizzards has the manpower to investigate every right click to report issue in a timely fashion than that would also mean that they have the manpower to handle a large volume of Gm tickets; which in fact they do not, they have cut back on their number of Gms last year and this year. 775 in 2018 and 200+ this year so far…
Google blizzards staff cutbacks…
Once you do you will see that the “Abusers will be punished” point kinda goes out the window because it simply isn’t/won’t be true As the man power to handle abuse of the system/ let alone the number of tickets they have now is not currently employed and likely wont be by classics launch. When your help staff can’t keep up with current rates and you possibly double the player base without drastically increasing help staff problems are gonna go unresolved.
With rampant unchecked abuse this will lead to a very unpleasant community that refuses to interact with each other due to the fear of getting squelched for saying “hi anyone wanna group up to quest” in general chat.
- Also on calling people who refer to an automated squelch feature applied after a certain amount of reports a squelch bot silly -
the people defending this broken system look like a complete joke/trolls because of their mental gymnastics dodging arguing against whats being said, willfully ignoring the changes gaming culture/player base of online games has undergone over the years, and continuously resorting to “You just wanna be able to say whatever without consequences.”
Dismissing valid arguments/ circumventing them through mental gymnastics because your talking points are invalid is trolling…Not naming names as the people doing it know who they are and should learn to not be intellectually dishonest as that can lead to a breakdown in civility.
If I where to be as disingenuous as the people white knighting right click to report I would be inclined to insinuate they only wish it available so they can abuse it to squelch others…
Doesn’t feel good having someone make disingenuous assertions about your side of the argument now does it?
If you look at blizzards COC/TOS some parts are pretty ambiguous and can’t really be properly interpreted by us Normies, and people abusing the system could say “Oh I thought that X was a reportable offense” whilst knowing full good and well that is isn’t and only feigned ignorance to maliciously silence other people and face no repercussions…Which is exactly why such things as squelching/silencing people should be handled by tickets to Gms so they can make the call as they know what is/isn’t acceptable…
Some people find the word “dang or darn” to be offensive and may report someone for using it squelching them for uttering a word that is in g Rated games in a Rated T game with far worse crude references in game…
(Some NPCs in game straight up use curse words or mildly suggestive phrases…just look at the back of the game box)
- Also on their not being a lot of people talking about getting squelched or dcd from right click to report abuse; you know that it’s against the TOS to discuss account penalties placed upon yourself or others right? This includes getting squelched, So people who are rule following victims of this broken system would probably not violate the TOS possibly getting themselves another account penalty just to say they faced and unjustified punishment right?
It’s wrong to assume the system isn’t currently being abused the heck out of as the forum discussion rules do not permit 1 to talk about it openly…
And just remember there is a mature language filter available in game; so people who are reporting someone for cursing are going out of their way to make an issue where 1 doesn’t exist, as they will not see those words in chat if they would simply apply the filter…
There are features in game that let you not have to deal with jerks/spammers without the need of Right Click to report…
One last thing you need to ask yourself; was swatting a thing back in 2007?
You know that thing that could land someone in federal prison for years if its a false report; the thing that’s gotten some innocent people killed…Or rampant Doxxing for that matter?
Some of us older gamers would never engage in such idiotic/childish activities; but younger generations seem to think they should be able to falsely accuse/report others of crimes they didn’t commit because they find it funny.
Look at what happens in the media; some people think they should be able to make false rape claims and not face prison time. When the accusations of wrong doing aren’t as severe and the punishments aren’t either the possible number of jerks willing to engage in such activities increases exponentially.
The right click to report feature may have been around a long time but many newer generation gamers/ people in general aren’t exactly as respectful or thoughtful as most old school peeps.
And they wouldn’t hesitate to do something malicious like falsely report other people with right click to report even knowing they could face consequences.
So the “it’s been around since 2007 and wasn’t abused then”, whilst factually correct argument still holds no weight today as it would only apply if the same players who played back then where the only players now, and did not change their mindsets since.
As you cannot take the good judgement/decency of players from a decade ago apply it to new players/returning players that may have a new mentality on things and assume they will act the same…Especially in the era of E-sports where doing malicious things to “competition” is common practice…
I personally vote that Blizzards outright pre-imptivley remove/not add Right click to report in Classic and only consider adding it into Classic if the populace becomes too unruly to the point where the other in game ignore jerks/spammer features won’t cut it.
Hopefully I don’t come across as to much of a jerk; and I apologize if I do.