Let's kick this horse again; Stuck-In-Combat-Bug!

There are some npcs like guards that are programmed to hit your pets even if you feign death so you have to dismiss them and move away before using the skill.

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My favorite is when my Ghoul starts attacking a mob that’s broken and evading in terrain.

I’ve had this issue a lot on Unholy, and not at all on Retribution or Arms. Pet AI interaction is absolutely borked on so many levels.

Alternative to shadowmeld : Rhan’ka’s Escape Plan

Yes, not the easiest thing to get for an alliance toon… but the option is there.

If your on horde the minions that boon of bwonsamdi summons can lock you in combat. There could be a similar passive that summons things to help and if they don’t follow you they get stuck somewhere fighting which locks you in combat.

I’ve had the End Time bug happen to me as well. Which really sucks because you are just legit stuck there. Nothing works because you are in combat and it is annoying af. I’ve had it happen every time I’ve solo’d End Time. I don’t know what it is but that place hates to be solo’d. Every time I have to hearth and then force close the game.

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Suggestion: If you don’t take part in any combat action for 2 minutes, in-combat status is automatically canceled.

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It’s actually hilarious that this problem still exists after, what, 5+ years?

I just googled it and i see results from 2015 still. What a joke

You must be talking about a different stuck in combat bug than I’ve encountered. The one I’ve encountered doesn’t go away on Shadowmeld invisibility, and continues to prevent you from using flight paths for several minutes.

warms my heart to see your guild still exists

Just had the 10th anniversary event on the 9th! Still kicking apparently!

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Actually I was discussing this with friends on Beta yesterday and you’ll be happy to know it happens FAR LESS in Shadowlands, while it does still happen, it’s not very common compared to how it currently is.

When I lvl’d 50-60, I recall just one occasion where I was stuck in combat.

Let’s hope I wasn’t just super lucky!

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That was nerfed.
That no longer allows you to drop combat.

No. Feign death is hunter only. I could see getting a toy with a 24 hour cooldown for those REALLY bad situations

Yes, but instead we get a self ress. Different classes are different. shocking i know. Btw that IS an option. Soulstone, jump off something high=out of combat.

This is the joke i like about pulling threat as a warlock in classic. Rogues have vanish/feint, hunters have Feign. Warlocks have Soulstone.

The joke goes Rogues have vanish, hunters have feign death, warriors have death and repair bots.

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Ever class should get a combat drop, no CD, 10 sec cast, interrupted by any DMG. Get stuck in combat all the time.

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No. That would be abused to all hell. All it would take is for the healer to stand away from the fight, get out of combat, and they could ress people. Either DURING the fight, or to skip large groups of trash. Shadowmeld is already brokenly op for those purposes, and it HAS a cooldown.

I have been getting something fierce on my BE DK of late. I guess since not deemed slow enough my DK is made slow for this too lol.

Already slow and not mobile. So yeah…I like to see that mount when done some mob action.

What’s irksome is the bets I make with myself.

Do I walk for 30 seconds and hope I shake it? Or log off for that timer and log in again?

I have started to not take that 30 second walk bet. I burn almost a minute and go well…log off.

This is why I’d like feedback on the idea, thank you.

How about not being able to use it if there are others in the group that are in combat?
Perhaps make it a bit more complicated? no combat or attack in the combat log for the past minute for it to be able to be used?

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Done tried that… had them play dead first, I fiegned. still in combat. I dismissed them then tried again. still in combat. It was in a legion dungeon that it happened so Idk /shrug logging off real fast fixed it.