Lets get arcane help like Spriest

I made a long post about arcane in the general forums. Arcane has been busted as long as spriest, but spriests were far louder about it. Go give the post some love so we can have arcane mages heard!


Spec doesn’t need to be changed in any way. It’s perfect for the nights you can’t fall asleep…the shear boredom of the rotation knocks me right out.


Likely won’t happen. Ion has already said in the Preach video is that the intention for mages is for mage a to be good at x and mage b to be good at y. Apparently the concept that mage players play a SPEC and not the CLASS is too much for Ion’s wee pee brain to handle.

Dude just keeps losing more and more respect from me. He just doesn’t get it … at all. He thinks if a class like priest has only one dps spec that spec has to perform in all content (which the changes allow them now) but for pure dps classes it’s ok to pigeon-hole each spec into a niche.

Brain dead. Truly.


oh good. so arcane can be not as good as either of the other specs, be it AoE or single target… because that cool thing we run out of that makes us fall on our faces in DPS… What is it?? mana?

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They seem dead set on keeping arcane a mana-management spec. Personally, I think they should commit to one system and build around it: mana management or charge/spend.

The plus side to mana management is getting the barrage mana restore Kilt mechanic back. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out with losing Rule of Threes for Amplification. Considering a lot more time will be spent in conserve, that 2% mana regen will be very valuable.


I really wanted to play with my arcane mage…



When he said “between Frost and Fire” I got so mad.

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It’s to the point where I can’t even watch an Ion interview, my disdain for him is so strong.

He should go back to developing raid encounters. Clearly, he has no idea about WoW outside of raiding.


Let’s just keep making noise for arcane! I’m proud to see it get more support from the community lately. Maybe they’ll keep their promise of arcane getting a “significant redesign” that was mentioned

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A “significant redesign” would be making the decision if it’s a mana management spec or build/spend charge spec. I don’t see them taking the time to decide that now that we’re in beta.

At best, I think they’ll address the now-inflated ramp up time it takes … maybe by taking Arcane Power off the GCD or combining spells like PoM, CU, and TotM. Even then, I’ll be surprised they’ve addressed anything.

The don’t really seem to know arcane mages exist. Granted, less and less people play it in high end content now so the representation isn’t there to show.

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They said that? So there’s hope??

source pls

“ In addition, we felt that the Arcane Mage damage rotation lacked a focal moment that results in a big payoff. As such, the combat rotation is undergoing a significant redesign that looks to add this while retaining the overall flow and feel of the spec.”


Combat rotation is undergoing a significant redesign

I laughed so hard I peed a little.

{global} {global} {global} {global} {trinket} {global} {global} {global}
alright I can now do damage…
{blast} {blast} {blast} {blast} {blast} {blast} {blast} {blast}

well they added two more global CDs before we can do damage.

significant redesign achieved


Yeah, it’s a joke ;(

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Well they always say it is a good thing to be able to laugh at yourself. So at least playing arcane mages means we are the funniest people in the room.

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4 months ago?

They probably just added Touch of the Magi then called it done.


The reason I think it applies is this… ToTM was already announced with that forum post. So that meant they were talking about more changes

Or they were using that post to say that the significant redesign was adding in ToTM. It honestly can read either way. I’m not holding out hope, that’s for sure.

However, it does make more sense for the post saying they are looking at significant redesign to indicate that there’s more to come than just what was mentioned in the post; however, it still is a bit gray in that they could be indicating that they have looked into Arcane and now they are providing significant redesign . . . Here it is! ToTM baseline Mirror Images baseline, some banking CC, AP increase to 3 minutes, removal of displacement, baked in Azerite Trait, a talent that is somehow worse than Incanter’s Flow still making RoP the go to, and a Systemsland Necrolord ability for some CD cleave.

There’s no way this would pass as a “significant redesign”… if so they’re truly giving Arcane the middle finger. If there are no changes it would feel like blizz is being actively spiteful to the spec