Let's bring back Corrupted Ashbringer

Most definitely.

The fact that they are teasing us tells me that it is coming at some point.

it wasnt removed, it was just moved.

I hope that’s the case. It just felt bad seeing what I would look like wielding it, knowing that I can’t.

Blizzard can make a lot of this old content very relevant again. I suspect they saw the Naxx/Scholo revamp play out very well, and I’m hopeful that I will be able to wield more than just the Pimp-My-Ride Paladin version one day.


my childhood friend corrupted ashbringer moved away
then my childhood friend died
you see my childhood friend’s soul was forever gone from this mortal coil

aka it was removed

OGOD the name is different on the exact same sword, whatever will we do?! :scream:

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They really had a golden opportunity to bring back Ashbringer when they brought back Old Naxx…

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we will say "thank you, Waucedre, for educating me. I was wrong, and you have shown me the way. I will take this knowledge with humility and carry it with me forevermore, and I, too, shall do my part in educating others when they make a mistake. That will be my atonement for being wrong. "

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Regardless of name, dear sarcasm professional, it’s still the same sword made HD, no matter how you try to spin it. LOL

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And regardless of the fact, this thread is specifically asking for the older version of it to make a return.

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100% this. why am i being punished for not saving gear for a system that i didnt even know nore think would be added into the game in the future. this always felt like it was punishing people who either didnt play werent alive or werent hoarders. though i want them to bring back og naxx and let us farm it like a old raid rather than this dumb gold sink they decided to go with.

Sir they do not look alike.

Red hilt red guard. Green runic line going up it. Silver blade and a glowing “green aura” Skull with a dent in it.

Corrupted Remembrance: Green aura around the entire blade Green Guard Bone made hilt, Skulls all over the actuall blade as opposed to just meddle. No Green line No red. Jagged blade it’s self and the indent with the skull has spikes pointing to it. Not to mention the Spikes on the hilt and blades on the pommel.

Not the same sword doesn’t look the exact same just HD up. it’s a unique skin unique to it’s name it is not Corrupted Ashbringer.

Also to go further Corrupted Remembrance isn’t even Ashbringer, in any regard. its an entire new blade tech forged with the Death knights.

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Literally same model, slightly different coloration, made HD with a few skulls added for good measure.

Y’all need to relax. Nowhere did I say “DON’T BRING IT BACK” all I said was “the updated version exists.” LOL

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The term you are looking for is Remastered. It’s not an HD version.

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my felgaurd needs it.

… when you remaster something, you’re making it into a higher definition quality, aka… HD. :woman_facepalming:

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Personally, i’d also want them to bring back old Zul’gurub as well. Old Scholomance but not Zul’gurub? Thats sacrilege.

At this point, it’s just cosmetic. I’ve of the mind that if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, anything in the game should be made available to you, ESPECIALLY if they up the difficulty.

MoP CM sets
WoD CM Weapons
Mage Tower Appearances

Not only does this give Blizzard the opportunity to revisit, revise, and re0challenge the content, but it gives players a shot at overcoming whatever challenge Blizzard puts in front of us.

Who cares that some rando got the sword back in’06-07? Let players obtain it now through a real challenge, and I HIGHLY doubt those few who have it who want to feel special are huge whales that Blizzard couldn’t do without.

Yes, it’s cool seeing it in the while and recognizing a vet, but I remember running around with the Mage Tower fire sword and getting the same looks of ‘Whoa, that guy must be cool to do that content at this ilvl!’

Collection’s a huge part of the game. May as well embrace it.

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i know how the corrupted ashbringer dudes feel… they had to make an imitation of my mount because it was so trendy and neat

I know fake gucci when I see it… im rich

In light of the fact that Legion handed out Ashbringer to every single paladin gratis, including a corrupted hidden skin, I see no reason why the classic model should be put on a pedestal.

Just go whole hog, stop playing footsie and put old Naxx back in the game.

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Yes, please. Nothing will be lost from bringing everything back.

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