Lethality Back stab stealth nerf?

Did you try it again on that same mob? Sorry if you already said this but I’m being too lazy to read through

I was only able to get a 2 combo point expose on the scholo mob and it didn’t make much difference. I had the pally give me might on the same mob which I tested this against and only gave me about a 60 damage increase.

Wait you transfered off Stalagg? Good to know I can take you off my KoS list then!

Have fun wherever you are now :slight_smile:

Not like you had many Alliance to even make a KoS list with since 80% of us transferred off lol

For some reason I never really felt that imbalance while leveling. You only made it to my KoS list after all because you were rolling around in a 5 stack in Tanaris murdering Hordies questing by the Pirates and Waste Wander mobs, while I couldn’t rally more than 1 or 2 other people in the whole zone who needed those quests to fight back.

I have a nagging suspicion that while the server balance was originally slightly in favor of the Horde, the Wowhead Census was grossly inaccurate and ended up triggering a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Oh whales! :whale:

I know this might sound strange, but I believe back in beta vanilla a bug with ammo for the range weapon increased the melee damage for rogues and warriors, did you happen to change your ranged weapon into a throwing weapon and lose the + damage on the ammo? in case this bug has re-appeared and you’re getting bonus damage from ammo?

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I’m currently using Doomshot ammo for my Black Crow Cross bow which I didn’t change out during my testing. I did get a new bow and tried it out though, but immediately went back to Black Crow.

Kings and might along with other raid consumables? I would waste a Juju and a lungjuice on a raid, not on a Scholo run

Ah yeah I remember that. Thats was fun, I remember the leader saying to only kill the competition. Good times.

I think I’ll test out my damage next time I raid to see if I was just going crazy. Cant test it till Tuesday though because raid ID locks out in Vanilla.

I just remember hitting harder on Tuesday and only noticed the difference when I raided wednesday, and during the scholo dungeon.

Sure you weren’t originally killing a caster mob and then now youre going up against a meele plate mob or something lol
also coulda been buffed like battle shout / might / who knows.

Wouldn’t I hit a caster mob for more as oppose to a half plate, half leather player? Unless I’m mistaken about armor values and how they interact with backstab which could be the case.

What im saying is that if you backstab a caster dungeon dude versus a plated or monstrosity you will deal more damage to the one in the dress

Even bears in arathi / alterac for instance are heavily armored and the spiders right next to them will die much easier.

I actually just tested it against bears in Winter Spring and I was hitting them for 833 back stab crits with no buffs which is higher then the clothy mobs in Scholo.

Sounds like you were carrying buffs, might ? kings ? onyxian kill city wide buff ? who knows maybe it was an old ammo bug but I bet its something more obvious . theres lots to consider in vanilla , I cant say for sure.

We weren’t able to get the ony head buff because someone popped it before us and a couple hours later it bugged out and we couldn’t turn it in. But you are right, its vanilla and not at all a perfect product. I’ll just continue playing daggers since I’ve already committed to my guild that I would be our dagger rogue.

There is currently an issue with personal buffs, its possible that you were getting the best combination of buffs during that original raid and now they are not syncing the way to get the most effectiveness.
Blizzard is working on the fix its partially why people are not enchanting items because its taking buff slots. Buff Cap and Hidden Auras

When I’m doing this testing its by myself with no buffs, and then I test it with one buff might/Battle shout. Unless suddenly my talents are being effected by this I’m not sure this is the issue. The damage change was yesterday. I kinda hope this whole thing gets a blue to comment, to at least say, this is working as intended or say we are looking into the issue. Someone made a post about Shadow Bolt not working correctly now so who knows it could be that back stab isn’t working right.