Dear Blizzard, please give worgen characters the ability to transmog an invisible weapon and fight with claws. The monk wraps that allow you to fight with fists dont cut it, I would like to fight with my hands open so I can kill things with claws. Please enable my fantasy of playing a feral worgen.
-a wannabe feral worgen.
Don’t know,they’re not cats,but considering the history of werewolves that could be the case.
Can rogues use fist weapons?
There are a neat pair of claws you can play with.
Tha Dracthyr, if an’ when they decide tae diversify thar skillets, could alsae use this option.
Oh I made a thread like this not long ago too! Yes fully agree.
Perhaps it can be their heritage armour? Claw weapons that they slash wish? Toggleable invisible?
I also suggested, though I’m sure I’m not the first, feral druid in worgen form.
Werewolf druid claws and bites, cmon Blizz.
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It’s called Feral Druid.
There is a lot of things blizzard can do for worgen and transmog in general.
Let worgen be their worgen form for cat form.
Let casters have the ability to hide their weapon since they don’t need it for fights. (Kind of like how certain backpack transmogs hide your 2 handed weapon).
(Don’t even get me started on dracthy transmog and to let them have separate transmog between visage and dracthyr form.)
Being a cat is about as i un-wolflike as it gets friend. If Worgen druids could fight in Worgen form instead of cat form, as a few others have suggested, then I would not have needed to make this post.
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Feral druid worgen shouldn’t need cat form, I’ve said this for years. Make it a glyph.
Step 1: Pick Worgen.
Step 2: Pick Fury Warrior, Outlaw Rogue, or Monk.
Step 3: Transmogrify weapons into invisible (Monk) or claws.
Step 4: Profit.
Sure but if they crit a stone or plate target, their claws are ripped out.
Not being able to attack with glorious werewolf claws is the one and only reason I don’t have a worgen rogue. Well that and the incessant furry jokes.
Rogues can use first weapons but only as outlaw. And unfortunately, when blizzard redesigned outlaw back in legion, they went in REALLY hard on the whole pirate theme, so the abilities, animations, and sounds of an outlaw rogue are very “slicing with swords” and really doesn’t feel like you’re fighting with claws at all. If they would make the sounds correspond to your weapon type, rather than sword sounds no matter what weapon you’re using, it might be doable, but right now it’s too dissonant for me to enjoy.
The closest I’ve gotten is playing a fury war with single minded furry talent, and transmogged my weapons to bloody claw type fist weps. (See this character’s armory page)
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Yes give them claw weapons and tails.
Worgen and Dracthyr not being able to claw and bite makes no sense.
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Yeah bud. Been asking for this since day 1 of their announcement.
I want them to stand upright too. The skeleton/rig can do it too. Make a trial rogue and use the pistol skills. He stands upright to use them.
Aren’t they monk only though? I trolled grabbing done a while back and they didn’t show up on my rogue.
Not to mention you’d always need fist weapons. Can’t transmog fists over swords.
Also wouldn’t work for arms or DK’s
Also also, it’s a punching animation, not slashing.