Let warlocks farm Taeshalach & Scythe of the unmaker

Glyph of Felguard lets your felguard equip a random weapon from your bags.
seeing Taeshalach or Scythe of the unmaker, red or blue version on my felguard would be dope.


My Felguard walks around hitting things with a stick. He dont need no fancy weapon!


It’s there a reason why you can’t farm it right now?

The Raid is old enough now that you can solo it and loot non-lock items, isn’t it?

right now taeshalach and scythe of the unmaker are still push personal : /

You’re not a warrior, paladin or Death Knight so no


Can you bring a warrior friend and have them give it to you, maybe?

its push personal so no :frowning:

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I agree, it takes too long to get good melee weapons for a warlock’s felguard to transmog.

I recommend giving warlocks loot priority over melee classes for melee weapons.

I support this

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On the occasion that I am playing Demo, I use Kalimdors Revenge from AQ40 for my Felguard

I just wish that we could select a transmog from what we have acquired in our collection rather than having to have an actual copy of the weapon in our backpack

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Are you sure ? Because i can mog them on my horde toon that never entered atbt i think lol

Let everyone farm everything.


Thinks about getting a fist weapon for his felguard…


atm felguards can only equip 2-hand weapons + polearms. but it would be nice to have fist weapons appear

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That is sad. I want to see a fel guard beat down they’re opponents with their fists.

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Yep it’s untradeable.



Too bad warlocks can’t get shadowmourne for their felguards also

Perhaps they believe dual-wielding does not fit the fantasy of Felguards. I personally think dual-wielding Frost DK’s do not fit the DK fantasy either, and it’s weird that they only added it to one spec.

Edit: I don’t think that made sense. Disregard.

Depends on the viewpoint honestly. Death Knights are supposed to feel brutal and punishing, dual wielding helps with that image. Although there also had been death knights wielding sheilds too…

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Mogging isn’t the issue, in order to have your Felguard use it you need the physical item in your bags.

Simple solution would be to allow folks to transmog heirlooms, ship them to their warlock without the appearance resetting, and letting the glyph recognize and use the transmogged appearance.