Let us tell Chromie no

so many people didnt know about turning off xp until people started talking about the fact you could lock it for timewalking quests

Imagine all the 49 twinks we’ll be seeing…

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Actually being pulled out at 50 is working as intended.

it even has some nice dialogue attached. with a nonsense explanation for why your being sent back to stormwind. pretty sure being in the past does not equate to time passing in the present.

It honestly would have been cool if they expanded upon Exile’s Reach to have additional zones that scale up to level 50, but that’s clearly too much work for them now with everything else going on… even literally just one 10-50 zone next to Exile’s Reach would have been okay…

reworking bfa into a “main quest” eases new players into the story better. and took way less effort


Someone said the magic words!

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She literally tell you why when players first meet her in Vanilla. She was initially assigned to Anderhol and this is what she says:

I hope that my choice of visual demeanor does not disturb you: while I might be charged to be a sentry of sorrowful places, I choose not to drown in the sorrow of the locale.

Canonically, the first time you ever meet Chromie is in Andorhal during Classic. Keep in mind this was back before the Plaguelands started recovering in Cataclysm and that the area is suppose to evoke feelings of dread and despair.

"Hello there. I am known as Chronormu, but you may call me Chromie. I am comfortable with such familiarity.

Now - how did I know your name, you ask? I am one of the bronze dragonflight, forever attuned to the ebb and flow of time. You could say that we have met before. To that end, we shall also meet again.

I hope that my choice of visual demeanor does not disturb you: while I might be charged to be a sentry of sorrowful places, I choose not to drown in the sorrow of the locale."

She more or less picks a gnome as her disguise as a reminder to not let depressing events that cannot be changed drag her down.

While we’re on the subject of Chromie, here’s an interesting lore tidbit/speculation: during the Well of Eternity instance, she shows up after Mannoroth is defeated. It’s the one time she does not address your character by name:

“How can I be of aid, stranger?”

Being a time traveling dragon, “wibbly wobbly, timey wimey” is clearly in effect, so it’s generally assumed that our trip to the WoE in the past is actually when she canonically meets us for the first time from her own point of view.


oh my god thats amazing. how did i not know about this insane detail before


The cataclysm revamp seemed out of place to me and to a ton of others lol. I mean, who even knew who deathwing was before cataclysm? No one, thats who, unless you read the books.

Most people knew arthas from the warcraft games. Playing classic wow recently, deathwing is mentioned very subtley in a quest. It asks you a question, and if you get it wrong, you get teleported far off, and have to trek back to retry, which is a pain.

Cataclysm revamp, to me, just seemed like an excuse to get rid of 8 years worth of work. If i was a dev, i would have been steeming. It just devalues all that work. it isn’t like the revamp was bad. Its not like the vanilla 1-60 grind was bad. But to circle jerk everyone into one area, and being like, um, yah, you guys who like vanilla 1-60? To bad. You are only allowed to level 1-60 with the revamp now. Seems pretty stupid from a design perspective. Shut out a ton of players. Most people i knew, did not like cataclysm because of not being able to choose vanilla 1-60. Cataclysm also made some wierd decisions at end game. All because it was to hard to coordinate players to cc and interrupt and get out of fire. So the game got rediculously easier to accomodate those players, with no options for the players who preffered the more difficult heroics.

I don’t even recall deathwing being mentioned in the warcraft games either. He was just a jerk bag dragon to most people at that point.

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he had his name on a cave in a world map in an obscure port of warcraft 2 for the ps1

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how dare you say no to glorious dragon waifu

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Someone steps on her toes and doesn’t apologize? No worries! She can surprise them by turning into a dragon and giving them the gift of fire!!


I never leveled a toon in cata So I can’t really say. I have leveled a few through the revamped zones this expansion, leveled two toons in vanilla and a couple in classic and my feeling is the revamped zones made a pretty good compromise. Tad over done but fixed some issues with classic that you could overlook because it’s so much better in other ways.

What I feel has been lost along the way is any sense of struggle, challenge, and freedom of explorations. Classic was more a living breathing world that defined a lot of oddball quests and activities. And modern WoW is a narrow hallway the devs drag you through where you almost watch them play the game for you. Helicopter Deving.

Exiles… I see what they’re trying to do, understand why as well. Trying to put the most up to date content forward for new players.

But I don’t see it as all that much fun. Exiles is very much helicopter dev’d and jumping right into BfA an hour after some nameless sergeant taught you to swing a sword is so weird. It’s like the first thing after boot camp is trip to the white house where you meet the president and sit in on a cabinet meeting. What? That’s a story told by an 8 year old. No heroic journey or growth, just here’s the king marry sue, go save the world.

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I level all the time as I have seven accounts, so being an altoholic is something I live and breathe daily. It doesn’t bother me even in the slightest that I get booted back to my capital city once I reach level 50. If i want to progress further without interruption, I just turn off XP. It’s not like it’s an arduous task to do. Takes a minute to do and then you hearth back to wherever you want.

It’s not that big of a deal… to me. Maybe it is to you, but I’m fine how it is. There’s options built in game to work around it already. Personally, I like getting a free port to Stormwind or Orgrimmar, as my luck I’d be on multiple cooldown as I use Dalaran and regular hearthstones like crazy.

While there is definitely room to be critical of Blizzard and Warcraft’s story at several points, Chromie is one area/character where I generally don’t have issues. We can actually see this during the quests and instances she does get involved in.

Cata: During the quest “The Protectors of Hyjal” she appears as a whelp
Legion: She appears as a whelp during “The Deaths of Chromie”
WoD: She appears as a drake during the expansion and expresses guilt over Kairoz
WotLK: She appears as a full grown dragon in the Culling of Stratholme

Dragons start as whelps, eventually grow into drakes, then become full grown dragons, so it’s quite obvious that from her PoV that Hyjal/DoC was first, War Crimes/WoD second, and Wrath last. The fact that you’re so involved with saving her in The Deaths of Chromie could very well be the reason why she’s so friendly with your character at many other points.

Then again, I’m a sucker for time travel when it’s done well. Chromie is generally done fairly well since from your character PoV you don’t see her naturally progress from a whelp to a dragon, and she herself asks you at a few points if this was the first time you’ve met her.

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Heh…Chromie ain’t the Fonz.:joy:

Besides, everyone is missing the point of Chromie time. It’s not to side shift and worm ways out of bad story telling. It’s an exciting way to introduce new bad stories of endless possibilities.

Think: An expansion/questline where the Legion won. Or, or, or where the world was consumed by the lich king only to get consumed by the Legion.

Endless possibilities. :wink:

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Or Chromie could freeze time for a minute and ask you what you want to do.


If a scary Orc offers you something to drink, you probably want to say no.