Let Us Move Enemy Cast Bars in Edit Mode

This is the one thing I find so far quite annoying with the new UI. Everything else is grand and I love it.

We can move our own cast bar though so why can’t we move our enemy/target’s cast bar too?


I used to interrupt every chance I get. Now I’m trying to relearn where the cast bar is from how I used to have it

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Yeah I’m presently dealing with my target frame at the bottom of my screen [preferred spot] but because of the castbar forced in place below it, I have it pretty high just to prevent overlap of my hotkey bars.

It’s also not a good spot for eye-coordination to keep track of enemy casts without straining my eyes.

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I’d also like to move around the target of target. Instead of being tucked up against the target, the target of target is in narnia.

Also LET ME MOVE MY XP/REP BAR! I like having my bars flush with the bottom of the screen and I cannot do that and have to have them floating because the xp/rep bar is un interactable

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Honestly, the new UI still has a few things that we need to be able to do.

Just ran into this, this morning. I’ve been using the option to show enemy hp and cast bars above their heads, but any time I come across a large NPC (e.g., Torghast boss) I have to jam my POV up towards the ceiling. My target frames are low and close to my hotkeys and I didn’t even realize there was a cast bar there because it’s so far below the target frame, it’s blocked by my hotkeys. Would be a great addition to be able to move this cast bar.

I have been trying and trying to find the option for this again because that’s what I had before but the new UI seems to have reset it or disabled it. I’ve messed with the nameplates multiple times but nothing seems to work.

Where can I find these options?

Sorry for the delay in response. You can turn these on under the “Combat” sub menu, at the very top under the “Personal Resource Display” section.

Go in to Edit Mode | Check Target and Focus. If no enemy or mob is highlighted another frame will appear that you can move. Or target a mob. It’s pretty dumb that it’s this confusing.

I also think the grey shield to indicate abilities that can’t be interrupted is far too light and easy to miss. The casting bars being just as light and don’t change colours to indicate ones that can and can’t be interrupted. I find myself interrupting far less just from the confusion the UI causes for me.