I don’t like the “Trained Martial Artist” combat idle that monks have, I want to feel the whole “Brawler” thing. Like the basement in Redridge with Keeshawn, that sorta feel. And the only way to do that is Rogue with fist weapons xmogged.
It’s not unnecessary to give us a way to hide pants at all. Some of us want to use mog items that have things like low waistlines or slits up the sides without showing the pants underneath. What’s unnecessary is to keep such a restriction when, as you note, there are toys like the Moroes polish, that let people be entirely naked except for their underwear. Since that stuff already exists, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t let us keep our pants hidden through the transmog system.
At the very least, let us hide pants if we are wearing a robe.
Please, please, PLEASE tell me hide chest will work for female toons? Obviously we’ll still have a bra, but this would be so ncie for my DH. Honestly DHs should be able to hide pants too anyways. THANK YOU SO MUCH I AHVE BEEN WANTING THIS SINCE TMOG WAS INTRODUCED, IF THIS IS A JOKE I WILL CRY!
Back in vanilla we used to no-pants the Strath run so the Baron would give us our set pants.
All my undead are gonna be as naked as possible just for you.
Well…if the only thing not being hidden is pants then we are not getting nude toons running around
It’s not. You can still get it if you do the Legion intro quest to Broken Shore on Horde side. Just find Griftah off to the side.
That actually will make some sense for Worgen Druids when you think about it. Could you ask the Devs to please consider letting players use alternate graphics down the road for spell effects that are from the same spell but just recolors?
A good example is the Shadow spells Magatha uses when she fights at your side. Shadow Burst / Lava Burst, Flame Shock / Shadow Shock, Corrupted Chain Lightning. All of them were really neat looking and I think this would improve the game tremendously. ^^
Some of the Arakkoa Shadow spells were pretty impressive visually too.
I figured we aren’t getting the hide pants option because Blizzard doesn’t want dozens of these threads.
Oh my god, I cannot believe that Blizzard allows characters to hide their pants in a teen rated game… My children play this game, I don’t need them thinking running around without pants is okay… What will we have next, a holiday to support erping weekend in Goldshire…
As a clothie main, the one Tmog option I’ve always wanted is the ability to hide everything below the belt on a chestpiece. No more legtubes.
I’ve bent over backwards in all my Tmog sets to find cloth chestpieces with no lower robe attached, but they are still relatively few in number and limited in styles, meanwhile there are so many cloth chestpieces with excellent upper portions that nevertheless come with a legtube attached.
It might be technically tricky, but I got some hope for this when I saw the upcoming T-Shirt day effect which seems to kind of do the opposite, hide the upper part of a chest but keep the legtube. So I’ll keep my fingers crossed for this, as we’re getting all these new hiding options.
Lame, can’t hide pants, basically contradicts with the toy that turns you naked and some leggings are more skimpy than the default underwears, plus a lot of the skimpy mogs are really old armors so theyre all pixelated, id just like to hide it all!
god please yes
but i seriously doubt they will cave on this
I hope we can have some nice lingerie and underwear options! Corsets, brassieres, loin cloths and respectable nickers, etc. (Perfect for the AQ robes.)
Yessss, thank you! I’ve wanted to hide gloves and bracers on my caster characters for years so I can have big proper wizard sleeves. The same can be said of hiding boots for druid characters and other shoeless weirdos, but I went out of my way to get Griftah’s Authentic Troll Shoes for that purpose. Since belts can also be hidden now, I’m over the freaking moon.
Let. Us. Hide. PANTS!
Someone hid my pants. Now I’m going to be late for work.
The biggest update to the tmog system since the update in Legion is about to hit soon and you’re all complaining about not being able to hide your pants to be as slutty as possible. I have two words and two words only for this:
My next in game request… to add more realism to undead and have bits and parts fall off if they run for to long.
You fail to understand the the fact that people already have the option to be as naked as they want. All we’re asking is for a way to do it properly without having to rely on the same old pixelated textures.
That, and the fact that many chest pieces were clearly designed to go pantless, as it was stated several times in this thread.
If I had to chose between hidding everything but pants and hiding only pants and gloves, I would gladly go for the latter.