Let us cast tranquility while moving

roll it into inner peace or something



We had that in BFA. If was OP.

So first of all I just want to say that just because something feels overpowered does not make that a bad thing, it makes that a good thing. Part of the fun of playing a MMO is being able to use abilities that feel powerful. In fact my overall philosophy when it comes to class design is that each class should have something that is both unique and powerful. For example, warriors can commanding shout and that is a very powerful, instant cast, usable while moving ability that can have a huge impact, but no one is going to claim that warriors shouldn’t have access to an ability like this. Every class should have some active abilities they can be proud to bring to the table in group content. As long as that unique thing doesn’t start to feel mandatory (like augvokers in higher key M+ groups), I want every class to feel as overpowered as possible, in their own way.

Second, in my own personal experience, it just feels bad to start to cast tranquility but then need to stop casting it because I need to move out of the way of something. Often that something is not something that I can play around in order to ‘time’ my tranquility in such a way that it won’t be interrupted. It’s often just a random thing.

Third, as far as druid class design goes specifically, I think druids should be a highly mobile class. While classes like disc priest have an ability to apply a raid-wide absorb shield on all raid members instantly and castable while moving, and shamans can drop a healing tide totem that will heal up the entire raid and is castable while moving, and mistweavers can push a button to do an instant raid-wide giga heal that also cleanses targets, and is castable while moving… the reality is that tranquility is, comparatively speaking, getting the short end of the stick.

Fourth and finally, it is very disappointing to see many top druid healers avoid even taking the tranquility talent… that alone should tell you that something is VERY wrong and some kind of buff to tranquility is absolutely WARRANTED. And this would be a buff that does not increase the throughput of tranquility, but will still make it usable in more situations.

Let me know if you agree or disagree on any of these points