Let SoM characters transfer to Wrath Classic

The only advantage to this would be leveling to 60 with 100% quest exp and then transfering to wrathclassic/tbcc

I’ll take things that will never happen for $300.

But since we are asking for the ridiculous I want to skip TBC and go direct to Wrath. Level 68 (at least) boosts please.

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This is probably what will actually happen because blizzard will make money doing it. Paid transfer to a tbc realm at the end of SoM and ready to transition to wotlk

It’s never been offered to Classic Era (cloning would not work if the character was created after the snapshot) and doubt it will be.

It hasn’t been offered in classic era because it isn’t a current season. SoM is current and when it comes to a close they’ll offer a way for people not to lose their characters. It’s really that simple.

Yes, please.

I’m hoping for a really obnoxious flying mount to be added to the super-deluxe collectors edition.

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sparkling rainbow pony?


I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting that in the cash shop anyway.

Whatever it is, I want it named the Peytuweenlol.

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They have already said what is happening with SoM characters.

No mention of moving to a TBCC realm either paid or free. Nor has that been offered to Classic Era, where the remnants of SoM will roam.

That would be great. Think instead of a toy they should offer the Tabard of Frost.
Looting of TCG items has already happened so carry on!

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We all know what blizzard has said but I’m just saying what I actually think they’ll do from a pr or $$ stand point :man_shrugging:t2:


I don’t wear tabards except inside WotLK dungeons.

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My troll warrior either needs a race change or a spinal reconstruction. It’s your choice blizzard, one or the other!!!

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find a good chiropractor in OG

just don’t race change to human

sorry to all the era players but i really, really wish it wasnt like this. I like my SOM characters but CE will be a graveyard for them and all (hopefully) potential future seasonal characters. I will still post this every time this topic comes up but I hope they walk this back and let us xfer to a TBC or wrath server whenever the time comes. (and whatever expac is currently on going) i would even be happy xfering there at 60 and leveling the rest of ways to cap with some of these characters, especially if there is a gap between seasonal server launches. It would help bring some fresh blood to TBC and breathe some life into the old world in TBC since leveling doesnt really happen all that much.

I know some TBC people think that it would “cheapen” their time spent leveling in OG classic since som players had bonus exp but I dont really get that bc the payed boost cheapened it way more.

I think that letting SoM transfer to WotLK would be fair and justified, but I’ll probably just eat the boost cost to try another class.

Microsoft seems to be shifting Blizzards focus from “squeezing existing players for every dollar they got” to “making games people want to play and keep playing”, which would dictate that you let the people who spent a year paying for and levelling a char just play the cool new thing with the char they’ve grown attached to. But then again, $15 is $15.

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You chose to play on a seasonal server. Live with the consequences of your choice.

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Yep. I will eventually abandon my seasonal character unless i can move them to tbc/wrath. i am aware. still can have some wishful thinking they might change their mind

ABK is not under MSFT control or influence yet, and may never. There’s a massive regulatory hurdle to get through before that can happen.

Your line of reasoning regarding MSFT is not entirely true either. Their Win11 adoption strategy tells a different story and aims to undo all their previous efforts to keep the global user base synchronized on the same platform.