Let Priests Dispel Poison or Curse Effects

Dude, as soon as Shadow becomes meta for raiding, holy priest is getting out of the comp instantly lmao.
Rn they only bring a healer priest for Stamina buff so they don’t have to stick with a bad dps at the moment (Shadow)

Disc will be, and is the mandatory pick due to being a 1.5 min raid CD compared to everyone else’s 4+ minute CD.

would that not be true even if they had a poison dispel?

i would think a poison dispel would be more useful in pvp and m+
but even in M+ i remember priest being meta because of mass dispel.
it depends on the DPS as well in M+. If a DPS with BL is top dps, then the resto shammy does not autolock the healer spot. this is a problem shared by other healers as well.
if the top 3 dps are ret, rogue and lock, you gotta get a shaman, nevermind what other dispels others have

Yes, this just further confirm the idea that priest toolkit is outdated and limited.

Mass dispel is nerfed to the ground with a 2 min cd + most dungeons do not require a mass dispel, literally in 80% of them you just don’t talent it.

Rsham still is required in some comps even with or without BL, curses and poisons are everywhere. Most dps with decurses do not give af about dispelling so a healer that can dispel those is highly valuable. On top of good healing, better defensives, better mobility, better dps, and one of the best interrupts in the game. Shaman never loses value unless their HPS is low.

Can’t say the same for Hpriest

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Exactly this. There’s nothing to debate as this is objective and simple for anyone with a functional brain to understand.

Healers need certain tools to fit within the game’s current design. Onebof those tools is dispelling all the nasy debuffs that get thrown around during fights. So far so good.

But because Blizz has sold this foolish idea of “hurr durr different classes are different!” to players and themselves, they actively saddle certain classes or specs with needless weaknesses that come with no suitable strengths in return. Even worse in this case, as it massively lowers the value of players for literally no reason except they decided on priest at character creation.

There is no logic or common sense involed in huge utility imbalances. It is irrefutably bad design and its puzzling,to put it mildly, that it continues to be done.

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Dragonflight was literally the first time priest ever had value in M+ because Blizzard accidentally designed the dungeons perfectly to suit priest. And we know it was an accident because they responded by nerfing Mass Dispel and Mind Soothe, abilities that had been useful in maybe a single encounter in a single dungeon per expansion prior to Dragonflight, rather than nerfing the mechanics that priest trivialized.

Blizzard spent Dragonflight expanding every classes’ capabilities except priest, which uniquely lost abilities instead of gaining them like every other class, and then had its only notable utility nerfed into the ground the first time it was ever useful.


Exactly. Its a completely backwards decision that has no justification. The priest class had a strong niche in being able to dispel the group all at once, along with the ability to help with skips. This is the GOAL of good class design in a game…and Blizz came to the conclusion that it needed to be…fixed? What? Lmao.

And if thats not bad enough, they did their usualy garbage method of using a thermonuclear bomb where a chisel would have sufficed.


DF S2 had a forced Priest meta more then anything. There were a lot of mind soothe skips and you needed mass dispel to remove nasty group dots that did insane amount of damage.

DF S4 was another Shadow Priest meta, but it had to do with the all magic comp more then anything.

With this season they’ve made the required trash pull count a lot higher then in other seasons so there really isn’t much you can even skip. Mass Dispel is only useful for one boss in CoT.


And you basically only use it once during the fight because of the 2min cd…
The nerf to Mass dispel makes no sense at this point, should be a 45s cd at least.