Let me write WoW

I can get 5 million new yearly subs.
If I fail I’ll fork over an equivalent amount of money to Blizzard. Several hundred million.

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Give us a sample of your writing.


Nothing you write could possibly be good enough to bring 5 million people to the game based on story alone lmao. And let’s say you even could manage that, good luck doing that with the development cycle. Things inevitably get cut and that’s what most likely happens to the current writing team as well. You’ll make up a “genius” plot and about 25% of it might see the light of day due to development constraints.

Many don’t play for the story.

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Not anymore they don’t, because they’ve been conditioned to accept bad writing.
In Wrath of the Lich King most of the reason people bought it is because they want to see what happens next with Arthas.
Story used to be the main selling point of World of Warcraft.
The main original audience of Vanilla WoW was people who wanted to see what happens next after WC3.


I mean… you can invest in fuzz instead.

No return… at all.


Lies. Returns in cuteness.


lol not even that XD

Ahhh don’t be so modest, unless the fuzz yer talking about are dust bunnehs on your floor.

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Oh there’s plenty of dust bunnies… and hairy bunnies… fur bunnies… all kinds of bunnies.

I need to clean around here :frowning:

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I mean we can only go up from here…F it why not?

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You and me both my dear. I just got to my kitchen baseboards. OMG… I could have grown a garden on the dirt piles in the crevices. Sprinnnnnnnng cleaning! Before the Easter bunneh comes with more fluffs.

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Oh look. Another arrogant fan who thinks he can do a better job than Blizzard.

Prove it. Like what Zigstur said, show us a sample of your supposed superior writing.

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If I fail comma.

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Were people, not was people. You failed to write correctly, so I’m not sure where you got the impression you were in some way superior. I wouldn’t hire you to write posts on this forum, even.

It’ll probably start with “Once upon a time…” and end with some crap fan fiction.

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Once upon a time Princess Theradras and Gallywix had a baby, that baby was Garrosh, the end.

What they said.

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

hold on I’ll do one better lets ask chat gpt.

Write the story of the next World Of Warcraft Expansion

Title: World of Warcraft: Eternity’s Embrace

In the aftermath of the Fourth War, Azeroth found itself in a precarious balance. The wounds inflicted by the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde were still fresh, and the world yearned for healing. As the leaders of both factions sought to rebuild, a mysterious force emerged from the shadows, threatening to plunge Azeroth into eternal darkness.

The expansion begins with a series of ominous events that shake the very foundations of the world. Mysterious rifts appear across Azeroth, unleashing otherworldly creatures and dark energies. As the factions investigate, they discover that these rifts lead to a realm beyond the known dimensions – the Shadowlands.

The veil between the living and the afterlife has been torn, and the Shadowlands spill into Azeroth, bringing with them a malevolent force seeking to consume all life. The leaders of the Alliance and Horde reluctantly join forces, realizing that only together can they face this new threat. They rally their forces and prepare to journey into the Shadowlands to confront the source of the darkness.

Players venture into the Shadowlands, a realm of eternal twilight and ethereal landscapes. The expansion introduces five new zones, each representing a different aspect of the afterlife. From the serene beauty of the Everlasting Gardens to the desolate wastes of the Void Abyss, players must navigate these otherworldly realms, forging alliances with ancient spirits and battling malevolent forces.

The central narrative revolves around the mysterious figure known as the Herald of Eternity, a being of immense power who serves as the harbinger of the impending doom. As players progress through the expansion, they uncover the Herald’s true identity and the reasons behind their quest to engulf Azeroth in eternal darkness.

The expansion features a new player class, the Specter, a master of manipulating the energies of the afterlife. Specters can harness both light and shadow, wielding their powers to heal allies and unleash devastating attacks on their enemies. Alongside the new class, players also gain access to a new crafting system that allows them to imbue their gear with the essence of the Shadowlands, unlocking powerful abilities and customization options.

Eternity’s Embrace introduces a revamped dungeon and raid system, with challenging encounters that delve into the lore of the Shadowlands. Players must face ancient guardians, corrupted spirits, and ultimately confront the Herald of Eternity in a climactic showdown that will determine the fate of Azeroth.

As the expansion unfolds, players witness the redemption of long-lost characters, the forging of new alliances, and the healing of old wounds. Eternity’s Embrace is not just a battle against external forces; it’s a journey of self-discovery and unity for the people of Azeroth as they strive to overcome the darkness that threatens to consume their world.

(AI immediately starts writing about the shadowlands, it’s already trying to make humans suffer)

You used an AI. That immediately disqualifies you. Try again. Use your mind this time.

Also Specter is literally just the Priest Class.