Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

Okay you’ve mentioned RP servers. If you are seeing one thing and I have my character Transmoged to something you can’t see. You’ve already broken Immersion if your character happens to make mention of something you see that isn’t something I see. Which will divide the Rp Community into people who use this option you want. And people who will want nothing to do with you because you’ll be breaking their immersion.


You seem to have major issues with pink and hearts.

Don’t care.

Call me when they remove the yeti pajamas. Then we will talk about immersion.


Okay? i think lots of people do that because of gatekeeping in WOW but good job joining the gatekeeping band wagon. Its a request or a setting that literally wont impact you at all.


The most omega of luls.


They’d look just as weird with mismatched gear

This suggestion would do nothing


I have an issue with out of place transmog. I thought the same thing with the yeti costume i am only using this new pink transmog because its everywhere at the moment and its new. The same thing applies to all costumes that look out of place on RP servers.

You are not very good faith are you,

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I already explained how it would impact me.

And to add to that just because you don’t like pink and hearts doesn’t mean you get to ruin it for the rest of us.


If they add a toggle I’m gonna have to rebuild an AFK set for looks. Back in the day one of the things I absolutely hated about the game was how everything looked mismatched and just god awful (and I always turned of helm and cloak), I was quite happy when they added xmog to the game, and I still have some of the stuff I tracked down sitting in void storage from when you had to have it somewhere to xmog it

If you want a toggle, and they add it, then have at it, but know that you’re still going to see many of our xmogs because a lot of us will track down the actual items (where available) so that we can still have the appearance to everyone

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I hope they don’t do this just because if I want to look like a fire druid, that’s how I want people to see me, not the random greens/blues if I level.


Wasn’t there something about your bow?

You have no idea about RP servers, homie. Stop. I will have no issue getting high fantasy RP with this mog. In fact, it suits my Lightweaver just fine.


It is really funny you think you will see fewer clown suit looking outfits without transmog.


Just by your icon you look fantastic!


Sure and i wouldnt be mind removing all of it. The reason i use this bow is its the only transmog i can use that will give me a quiver.

Gatekeeping again LOL. If a yeti costume or a pink love costume on a DK breaks my emersion, then its not fine.

Time to brush off the movie quote book again. One moment. Adjusts glasses Let’s see where is it…where is it… Flips pages AH!

“You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.”


Then just default it to the latest teir set then

Pretty sure you are trying to gatekeep others from wearing whatever they happen to want to wear and based off multiple replies it’s the pink hearts so stop trying to gatekeep my pink hearts.


Classic is that way →


Never played Warcraft before huh?
Like, mismatched mogs and sh** has been a meme for over a decade.
Stop trying to act outraged and pretend this is new.
because it really isn’t.

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Thanks! :heart: I’d swap the crown for glasses for IC, but I’m def using this.

I mean, you should live your principles. You shouldn’t be mogged right now.

Homie, what? For reals? You approached gatekeeping far more than I did by stating that that these mogs break immersion on RP servers, as if you know what’s immersive on RP servers. And even then that’s not gatekeeping.

That’s kind of self important. Lots of things, even small, break my immersion. Do you know what I do? Ignore it. When someone runs up and spams the football toy on their friend it breaks my immersion. But I will never ask for that toy to be removed.