Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

This isn’t the first thread I’ve seen on the retail forms in which someone asked for xmog toggle and people exploded. Here a very similar thread from November which people again denied the reasonable request: Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

Look at the first reply with that rude meme.

This is exactly what OP asked for.

Both of these are client side requests 1) you don’t see other transmogs so you can make decision in pvp and 2) you also don’t see your transmog but others can still see. I don’t really think 2 is necessary but that is their request not mine.

I think request #1 is perfectly reasonable.

Again, the feature would be client side so would only impact the person who clicks the toggle. Denying such a feature is forcing them to see xmog, allowing the feature is giving them the option to see them or not.