Let me in!

That’s not a bad idea. Now I just need to find some. Lol.

Yikes. I hope you get on the mend soon! I’m hopeful this won’t last too long. The kids seemed to recover quickly. I’m usually not so lucky but one can hope. :sweat_smile:

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I would of thought the game be up by now the realm list has been up with saying realms are offline…usually the game will come up not long after the realm list has been up but its been almost 3 hrs now for the realm list being up.

Oh I know how that feels! Can you take a decongestant with pain relief to help? I hope it clears for you soon, for me there’s nothing worse than when my sinuses are acting up & I just want the pain to go away! If you’ve not taken a decongestant with pain relief or any pain relief, I usually take one acetaminophen & one ibuprofen (the gel kind) so maybe you could try that? Just prepare yourself for the “worse before it gets better” because for me, that turns into “a million times worse, please shoot me now” before it gets better…

Please do not take this wrong, but if you have had a consistent headache for over three days PLEASE PLEASE call your health care provider. It may be nothing, but it may be an aneurism or irritated vessel getting ready to blow.

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