Let me hide my pants

Down with pants! :jeans: :fire:

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Go play Baldur’s Gate 3 for that.

I did and I didn’t wear pants or underwear

But I did wear shoes and it was funny

In a game where you can physically just take off your pants, it is ASININE to not be able to TRANSMOG off your pants. Blizzard, this is the most important quality of life improvement you could make to the game. The single most important one, by a lot.


Only the imagination can tell what lies beneath.

That’s not fair tv ruined my imagination years ago

Is it N’zoth? The World (of Warcraft) may never know

Video killed the narrative star

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Counter argument: Bigger pants. MC Hammer pants to offset my comically large torso and little legs.


Can’t touch this.


This would go well with Divine Shield

because this game needs proper modesty now please dont check what my character is wearing

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What the game needs doesn’t mean that’s what it gets. puts on Kobold candle helm and wanders off, confidently

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Whats next hide under wear option too? :astonished:

They should let Vulpera hide our underwear and just have fluff down there (i.e., nothing showing). I feel like it’d look better than putting foxes in underwear. :v

hide draenei option now please.

hide bloodelf first

hide voidelfs.

i cannot be hidden for i am supreme

supremely inferior to blood elves.

alright poll for this thread right now who’s cooler
blood elf

(there is only 1 correct answer)