Let hunters choose pet specs

The worst part is, that they have done this for us in the past, both with allowing us to spec our pets, AND then with the item (toy?) we got in Legion that changes our pets appearance. We had this wonderful choice of any pet in the game where we could make use of all the amazing, beautiful pets the WoW creators have made for us…and then they took it away.

It would be I think quite easy for them to re-implement at least the item that lets us change the pet’s appearance like in Legion. I just want my Hyena back in raids with me.

If PVP is their sticking point, another poster made a great idea about a colour around the pet to represent their spec, or just disable the item in PVP and not allow that appearance ‘buff’ to be on a pet while their owner is PVP flagged or in a PVP zone.

I’m not a programmer, but surely they could come up with something.


it would be a easy and welcomed change if they do it.
DO IT blizz!

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It’s an interesting idea, I’m not a PvPer but I can’t imagine any situation where you WOULDN’T want your pet to be cunning. It’s not like Cunning pets don’t have access to all of the other family abilities so I can’t find a reason not to make a bear cunning or something like that. PvPers will probably always choose a slow or a mortal wounds anyway so why limit them even more?

Yup most of the time. There are occasions where we’ll take a health pet with mortal wounds, and sometimes we’ll take cunning or tenacity with a slow because our partner has MS - or is fury and we don’t want to overwrite their more powerful MS. Either way it’s going to be pretty obvious, and probably won’t change the strategy any.