Not good enough by your own standards, have a lore source to back up your claim?
Neither is the statement that she’s Darkfallen.
You keep bringing up the need for sources, and demanding more and more after contextual clues point pretty clearly to something. But then you make completely unsourced claims and use weaker context to back up your idea.
So where’s the actual lore citation for your belief?
Strawmanning isn’t going to help you. I didn’t say that. I said the argued point is an assumption the page made because it is not sourced, and there is nothing in game, or lore to corroborate it.
I’d say try again, but you’re the one making yourself look and sound quite silly. Best not to.
And a DK. Can you prove that the two are mutually exclusive in-universe?
Like I said, it’s likely a technical issue and not something they wanted to do, as opposed to them intentionally withholding the option from DK players with some in-universe justification, which leads to this point:
Let’s compare the Night Warrior and Darkfallen options:
Night Warrior - Created to be night elf customization in BfA. Originally, the eye color was tied to specific skin tones until they were uncoupled in BfA, hence night elf DKs can use the eyes due to an oversight that was grandfathered in during 9.0.
Darkfallen - Created to be options for blood elf and night elf NPCs until they were given to players in SL. The skin and eye colors are coupled together even after being given to players, so you can’t pick one without taking the other.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that they didn’t have time or didn’t want to put in the effort to uncouple the Darkfallen options and decided to just add them as is, but the way the game handles DK and DH eyes resulted in some technical hoo-ha that forced them to only give the options to every class but those two so they could get the patch out on time. They could very well be looking into fixing that in the future.
Except for the part where she’s wearing DK armor, works in the Ebon Blade’s base of operations, and in the old version of Acherus can be seen demonstrating the use of several DK abilities.
Amal’thazad’s title is “Arch-lich”, not something that strongly infers the bearer is a high-ranking death knight who trains others. You’re really going all in on trying to ignore the fact that the wiki page linked lists Alistra as having Unholy DK abilities. San’layn generally don’t have that kind of power because their default preference is blood magic, and said blood magic is depicted as being closer to classical depictions of vampirism than what Blood DKs use.
Armor is rarely exclusive. Even in Wrath you have Falric, one of the first Death Knights ever created, wearing recolored Warrior tier.
Again, they aren’t exclusive. Many undead NPCs have “death knight” voice lines, even in Acherus there’s a Forsaken vendor that has both Undead and Death Knight voice lines assigned to him.
Still haven’t discovered Amal’thazad this deep into the thread? Impressive.
Amal’thazad is labelled as a Lich. So clearly they could and would label her as something else IF SHE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE A BY-OUR-LADY DEATH KNIGHT.
When I was googling for the name of the DK I remembered had red eyes I came across this older thread
And while I understand having a stance for multiple years I would have thought they would have some sources by now like, you got nothing? In 3 maybe more years of saying this
Would be a good idea to add them to your ignore/mute lists, it gets real tiring when people are highly allergic from backing down whenever someone posts WoWpedia, with screenshots and lore included.