Let Darkspear Trolls Stand Straight Up

Please give this quality of life option to the players who obsess over a good mog. I want to play Darkspear Troll because their aesthetic and racial work really well with the toon I want to play (Warlock), but it is REALLY hard to digest that posture. Most belts clip into the crotch area and just about EVERY mog looks terrible on them that is not “I poop in a hut” bones or something.

Please, please, let this be an option. I love their towering form. To resign them to this hunched over posture exclusively when other hunched races were given the option feels bad.

INB4 “Roll a Zandalari”–I want the Darkspear troll racial Specifically, otherwise I would, I love ZT just as much as Darkspear.

They run into the same problem as male orcs in that their height was set while ignoring the back-hunch, so you have this 7 foot tall orc who, when he stands straight, is 8+ feet tall, when he was supposed to be 7 feet tall standing straight.

But if they looked like this and weren’t taller than tauren, it’d be cool

This would be nice. And for undead males too.

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Probably need a troll opinion if they do want to stand straight but Zul’jin can be really convincing considering the hunch Forest Trolls have.

I mean you are clearly going for the ~power play~ just roll a darkspear and stop fussing

Rise up trolls of the Darkspear. You have nothing to lose but your bad posture.

I’m going to disagree with you and say no, don’t make them stand up straight. The hunch is what makes the Darkspear great. They are Jungle Trolls, not Forest Trolls or Zandalari, Jungle Trolls hunch. They stand up straight and they are no longer Darkspear.