I think its time to let daggers be transmoged into other one handed weapons.
I think not.
Why not, there is already a bunch of examples where animations doesnt make sense for some of the weapons they can use. Let players decide what they prefer.
I agree OP! I don’t see why this would be an issue at all! More transmog options!
Makes no sense. Next we will have swords transmoggable to wands and staves. Pass.
…and for the reverse also, let us transmog INTO daggers.
…wands, too.
Let there be more daggers.
Only if you can use daggers as weapon on that class. Sure. Otherwise no.
You can already use a 2h axe as a survival hunter, using fury of the eagly you will slowly stab your target over and over with the blunt top of your axe. This animation doesnt make any sense since it was made for a spear but people still have the choice transmog it into an axe. Warriors can turn their 2h imweapon into spears but they will still continue to attack like they have a sword they wont use thrusting attacks yet people are allowed to make this choice. There is even a differens in how diffrent swords are used some are slashing weapons some are thrusting weapons but in wow they all use the same animation and you are given a choice what you want to turn your weapon into. and warriors can already turn their swords into staffs so maybe complain about them instead.
That has always been the transmog rules.
I have a dagger, I wish it was a sword, so I could use Thunderfury again =(
Ye agree. I often use ogre pocket knife in my offhand on my dual wielders since i like the sword and dagger look but it would be nice with more options
Yeah but you never know with some people… IE those plate wears that want to be able to mog cloth and vise versa.
I got a better idea, let Daggers be one-handers. It’s strange that this game considers this a totally different weapon for rogues.
“Oop’s sorry Outlaw Rogue! ya can’t use daggers or else you can’t use Dispatch!”… Why the hecko not?..
A Dagger is a one-handed weapon, but i can’t use Dispatch with it. …
I don’t see the issue with that.
I mean all the armor and clothes functions pretty much the same just with different stats and what not, and the armor stat might as well not be a thing.
Yes please
I need you to look at the daggers in-game. They are as large as swords. It’s fine, they’re all melee weapons.
I looked. No still.
Not much point argueing with him, he just wants to be a negativ nelly and die on a hill that no longer exist.
It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s a video game, let people have the looks they want.
No one’s making you do it.
More choices are always good.
Ye it feels a bit weird.
I think this sums it up pretty well, give people the freedom to decide what their character is.
As someone who has an assassination rogue that can never mog her Warglaives of Azzinoth, i support this.
Hmm I think you already can do staves to swords/maxes/axes.