Let Blizzard release BC and WOTLK

A year? Make it 10 years. Give me a decade to play my favorite game during my favorite time period before they take it away forever again.


They only way is if everything is seperate.

No transfers to BC or Wrath just completely start from 1 new servers.


If they keep the original vanilla servers going, then adding Burning Crusade and Wrath would only alleviate the queue times, instead of the doom and gloom you fear. Win win for all. Burning Crusade and Wrath fans can go back, vanilla fans can go back with no or at least smaller queues.

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One of the big problems with WoTLK was it was the height of wow popularity. And blizzard just couldnt handle it. They had to figure out a way to efficiently get people into the game, spread out, and doing content. Thats why sharding and dungeon finder came into being. They also had to homoginize classes more because of the way raiding worked with 10mans. They need more classes to have more utitility for small team encounters. Take out 10m raiding and lfg/sharding because there wont be 12 million concurrent subscribers and i think WOTLK would be top tier of the top tier


I would think the introduction of TBC and WotLK would be even more controversial than Classic itself because of how the QoL changes those expansions introduced have done immense long-term damage to the current game.

A consensus on what should or shouldn’t be in those expansions could never possibly be agreed upon and probably the best course of action to take would be to make new servers for those expansions where you can copy your Classic toons over with no changes.

But this is all a long way away and talking about it now is pretty pointless.


disagree, blizzard said they want to hear about this.


Take it all the way to WoD and stop there.

If it’s going to be $15 a month there’s absolutely no way. They can do whatever they want, but I’m not going to be suckered into paying $500 for the next 4 years for games that are 15/10/5 years old

When they want to separate the subscriptions to something reasonable sure I’ll consider going through the expansions with them. But as it stands unless you are a retail player (which hopefully you can tell I absolutely am not) you are getting completely fisted, and if you can’t see it you’re high.

On principles alone, affording it isn’t the issue here

Vanilla and TBC for me. Wrath had cool things about it, but we can’t lie and pretend that DKs were not OP during that expansion and that many don’t want to ride that horse again.

I’m fine with them releasing TBC in a couple years but keep it separate. Allow people to either make new characters on TBC servers or an opportunity to transfer a classic one over. Allow people who just love vanilla to stay there.

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Seems very hypocritical to not want changes for your version of the game but to gatekeep and say only if theres changes on the other version.

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Try like 2+ years.

I would love to see TBC and WOTLK, but only if they leave vanilla alone. Those are the only three legacy expansions we need. I feel like any Cata+ fans would be satisfied by the current version of the game.


No thanks. BC was already a step in the wrong direction.


What about it makes you feel that way?

I didn’t like faction crossover with Blood Elves able to be paladins and Draenei shamans. It took away the faction identity.

Outland, being a whole other continent, further divided the community play space. You see less players in Azeroth and more in Outland—not to mention the horribly designed aesthetics of Outland.

Flying. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Arenas were a motivator is class homogenization.

I do think, though, that classes were better tuned. The meme specs were more viable.

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I have no interest in TBC or Wrath.

I’d be very disappointed if they released these additional legacy servers too soon and fragment the Classic playerbase.

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I’m actually very excited at BC being possible but I agree with this.

We need I’d say at least a year after Nax is out.

adding TBC or WoTLK servers doesnt mean replacing the Classic servers… they should remain indepedent of each other


Sacrifices must be made. Bring on BC/WOTLK

vanilla can get a couple years out of it at least, but BC would be nice as that was my favorite xpac of the series and i started on vanilla release

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