Can confirm…
I dont even wanna hear from you. You are the biggest TROLL known on the forums. Everyone knows it.
Difference between projecting and making actual changes for the better.
My little brother is gay and I support him and he is out here making solid changes at his college and in his Career, in REAL LIFE. Not in game. You guys want all this but when it comes to actually standing up for what matters in the real world, no one is there.
LGBT+ represent 3,5% of U.S. citizen (source: Google, may not be super accurate)
It will not bring huge news in the medias.
Who says he’s NOT homosexual?
Did you just assume their gender AND sexuallity? BIGOT!!!
… who in the latest book went to swoon over a barmaid in Goldshire
Are you sure it was a barmaid and not a gender fluid trans?
We all been there on a Saturday night. It doesnt change Mon-Fri.
Everyone knows Anduin is asexual.
what do you mean “let” i thought he already was.
They can and will complain more because it wouldn’t cover all the bases.
They love them some social engineering, too.
He is a priest, isn’t he? There could be accusations of stereotyping.
Why are you assuming Anduin’s sexuality? Let him speak for himself please
Why not Lorthemar? Or why not Thrall or Baine?
No, it’d not stop there. Then it’d be the Jailer or another deity.
She is a beard. Blizzard does not the chops to bring their golden child out as Gay. That would make me respect the character and the company for once.
If this is cannon, and they ad guys to his list, that would make him bi. Personally I don’t really care what they do. I do know that he doesn’t quite fit the hyper-masculine stereotype and for some messed up reason people tend to assume gayness.
I like stereotypes busted up, and I liked how Shaw ended up with a guy, because he does come off as hyper-masculine and it busted a stereotype.
As far as checking boxes goes, I just want a good story.
Whatever they do with Anduin, I just wish they didn’t make him grim/dark edgy. I hate that purity of soul gets destroyed in order to make characters “interesting” so many times that it becomes redundant.
Gey,straight, or bi/pan, please bring Anduin back to the Light. We don’t need all of the characters to be Edge Lords.
Lorthemar got an entire small-novel dedicated for him with Thalyssra, Thrall already have kids?
That would be great. Make it a forbidden romance with a Blood Elf.
I agree. But following the logic, they can be retconned just like Anduin.
Don’t take my post so seriously though.