Let Anduin be homosexual

How about he visits a barber and comes back Andrea.


that was the worst excuse ever, they just wrote him good and then they didn’t


Anduin can be whatever the writers want him to be.
As someone else has already mentioned references to the novels or other sources of information, he was said to have shown interest in dwarven, draenei and human females.

If he’s gotta marry someone of his class or station I say he should go for Moria Bronzebeard Thaurissan. They seemed to have some chemistry in Before the Storm.
Or Tess Greymane, if she’ll have him. Not sure about Taelia Fordragon - is she still angry with Anduin for not being told about her daddy?

Should the writers decide to introduce him as gay that’s fine too. Not sure who he might be interested in but I would hope his story would be told in an interesting, compelling way.

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i honestly think anduin has a thing for taelia big time.

however there are a lot of people who identify as lbgtq in wow already they just aren’t always obvious. and I’m ok with that!


Is it that hard to build your own diving board to push diversity?

Anduin is an established straight character. He is our character, not yours.


Let? LOL

That ship has sailed, honey…

Counterpoint: Sylvanas explicitly told him to submit, and he didn’t. That boy is as gay as the day is long.

Christie Golden needs to stop forcing her heterosexual agenda into WoW.


Because American politicians and media love them some identity politics.


lol…obviously he triggered you.
Geezus this forum needs a filter so we can just block these threads entirely.


I want a good explanation as to why Wrathion and Anduin should pair up. Don’t say it’s because “two hot men interact” like the rest of Tumblr. Punching someone doesn’t equate they like them lmao.


Can we stop with the the whole, shipping thing?

Forcing characters/NPCs in a video game to fit some personal agenda, is beyond bizarre. Just learn to appreciate what we’ve got and play the GAME, good grief.


Ugh this reminds me of that Batwoman series :nauseated_face:

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Nice, you even admitted this is a troll post to trigger others.


To be fair “canon lore” can change on a whim here. Anduin pretends to be straight but it a guise to hide his true feelings out of fear of ridicule. There, retcon done.

What do you mean let him? Not stopping him doing who he wants but remember he is a priest so the boys would have to be underage in all circumstances… guess that’s why he helps with the orphanage so much :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I like how you can just blatantly bait and troll now but all you have to do is use LGBT as the topic and you are immune to being banned from Blizzard and most people can’t even criticize you freely.

The OP troll knows this very well which is why he is unceasing in these threads. Must be fun for him.


Oh yeah? Well, this theory must be tested! :smiling_imp:

It’s been tested for like 20 threads at this point.


Please god no, we don’t need more…