Let Anduin be homosexual

Not my alt so unless you got proof you can stop assuming.

They can retcon something. Doesn’t mean anything

Oh, wow. You got me. I’m not a member of the Lgbqt+, just a supporter. And I don’t agree with your troll-style pushes for representation.

As far as alts go…I will get back on my main as soon as you do.

If an online forum changes your opinion about human rights , you were a bigot all along. Quit concern trolling

Our heroes are part of the storyline are we not? So we already have all the representation already. Assuming you’re not straight then we’ve already got a major character who’s homosexual. On a serious note this is getting out of control…take your virtue signaling somewhere else I don’t think mmorpgs are the place for activism. As companies are finding out going woke makes you go broke. Nobody wants all this activism even subtle activism shoved down their throats 24/7. It’s silly because there’s not much that even needs to happen anymore in regards to prejudice against homosexuals, people just don’t care anymore. If someone came up and said “hey I’m gay” then I’d first off think its kind of weird saying that right off rip but then my second thought would be good for you enjoy. I don’t speak for everybody but I bet a majority of the people feel like I do…we don’t care what your sexual preference is…it’s a private thing keep it to yourself.


Why are you so angry then? Ignore the post? If you think he’s trolling, dont feed him. You’re making a joke of yourself. Guy is probably laughing at you

Shaw and Flynn

I never said you were his alt.

I said you always agree with each other in the threads each of you posts. Like you’re doing right now

Okay, what’s the problem then? Is it strange to you for others to agree with one another? I don’t understand what you’re trying to imply?

I’m saying you both employ the same argument strategy

Ask for something you know will annoy people, play dumb like you don’t know why they’re upset and flag you, label all who disagree as haters and homophobes and hide behind the LGBT veil

Just like you’re doing right now

You never offer facts or counter arguments. You just tell everyone to stop hating you, and how they’re phobic for not agreeing.

It makes us lgbt people look bad by association.


He’s not soft. He just cleaved that bastion angel thing in two.


Sylvanas has her hooks into the little lion. Maybe she already has and that’s why she keeps calling him little.

What are you even talking about? Can you give me examples because I’m truly lost on whatever it is you’re rambling on about.

You’re literally doing it right now. Playing dumb like you don’t know why people are annoyed with you

Open your post history, that’s why

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not after that hot scene between him and Sylvanas

Okay so you cant provide any examples? You have no argument if you’re just going to spout nonsense.

Don’t bother they will flag you for trolling.

You made some great points, and I truly hope they don’t get buried like most of the good ones do in this style of thread. It’s appalling really, the people here who fight for inclusion who don’t want to include others from their own community, those who will label rather than have a discussion and who are so reactive that they jump with labels rather than having a conversation.

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You’re the one who blamed me yesterday for flagging you. With no evidence just assumption. You’ve yet to provide any reason as to why you follow me around just to dismiss any opinion or feedback I give. Very rude.

Anduin is canonically straight.


But they shouldn’t. An established character should not be changed.


Anduin isn’t established. Sheesh…:roll_eyes: