My hot take: The damage taken reduction component of versatility should be buffed to /.75.
Either that, or damage nerfs and healing buffs… and BIG pet/NPC nerfs across the board.
The reason: Current WoW PvP too hectic. Result: Slower meta. Also revert the CC nerfs?
Shadow: all damage increased by 5%
not applied to pvp combat
warriors gaslighting to avoid nerfs
when people say there are boosts but the naysayers read “win trading”
- DHs are still disgusting; nerf them more, remove blinding sleet + Asphixiate+Strangulate while you’re at it from DKs, Zerkers Rage too short of a CD make it much longer maybe 2 mins, and prune melee classes’ mobility.
- Random BGs are for peasants with low IQs.
- Fury shouldn’t even exist warriors should have 2 specs like DH’s and Fury should just be duel-wield stance, bring-back stance dancing.
- RSS needs a gladiator mount and move importantly voice communication.
- The swords this season do look good I’m levelling my warrior up to get them
- RSS does not take skill it is the opposite of skill it is an embarrassment anyone thinks RSS is anything more than a terrible idea made from the brains of scrub leave players that don’t like co-ordinated arena and especially RMP’s farming them with superior co-ordination and skill.
Celebrity take:
I don’t care nerf druid healing and monk mobility or give me back insane mindgames and chastise as disc.
warriors gaslighting to avoid nerfs
RSS needs a gladiator mount and move importantly voice communication.
Zerkers Rage too short of a CD make it much longer maybe 2 mins
Is this thread full of boomers or did the gen-<whicheverletter> kids just discover aqua teen?
lots of boomer in here
Is this thread full of boomers or did the gen- kids just discover aqua teen?
Random Battlegrounds should have seasonal mounts.
Why does this tilt you? Would a crappy reskin of a ground mount really bother you?
RSS needs a tint of the gladiator mount.
You can buy this mount. It’s not the status symbol you think it is.
People who believe any bracket other than 3v3 is a “meme bracket”…they’re all meme brackets friend.
People who say “ representation doesn’t always mean it’s good”. Why would so many play it if it wasn’t good? Please explain.
no more mana/thunder tea, elixirs and brews for u
Ua needs a buff
Pet classes should have a max 2 pets out at a time.
Mana is dumb and shouldn’t be a thing.
DH deserves a third spec and paladin/priest deserve a fourth.
Frost dk is way cooler than unholy.
Tanks just straight-up shouldn’t be allowed to pvp.
Stealthies should have to walk while stealthed unless they use movement cds.
Factions should be completely abolished.
Blizzard does an actually decent job balancing in pvp considering all the different specs and builds and game modes they have to worry about.
The conquest cap is lame AF and should be removed even if it leads to some sweaty nerd outgearing everyone else day one.
BGs are way more fun/popular than arenas and pvp and the game in general should give them more attention.
Straight-up immunities are boring and should be nerfed into like 80-90% damage reductions.
I agree with all your points except on Balancing. Having Devs who regularly PvP, interact with the pros and common players and gather unbiased analyses would go a long way towards making the PvP scene more wholesome, productive and fun for everyone.
Dk defensives are paper thin
Frost should be tankier than Unholy. Wasn’t it initially a tank spec?
WW is lowkey the strongest melee and RSK hits for the same damage as chaos bolt
I think what it used to be is irrelevant
Complaining about melee defensives because nothing can go toe to toe with ret warr is a by product of blizzard
Mana is dumb and shouldn’t be a thing.
Frost dk is way cooler than unholy.
Factions should be completely abolished.
Straight-up immunities are boring and should be nerfed into like 80-90% damage reductions.
BGs are way more fun/popular than arenas and pvp and the game in general should give them more attention.
Ua needs a buff
People who say “ representation doesn’t always mean it’s good”. Why would so many play it if it wasn’t good? Please explain.
Ret paladin, fdk, arms war, and fdk need massive buffs. They’ve never been S tier and deserve to finally be viable for once. Haters only disagree because theyre used to seeing free wins agains these classes.