The biggest issue we have right now is Que times. Give me 5 min ques and leave tuning untouched Idc
que times will not improve because it requires healers unless ur below 1800 you are prob getting long ques
I’m always below 1800
Most people will care tho. It only takes an X amount of BM hunter lobbies to drive someone insane.
I feel like tuning is a bigger impact on the queue times than actual queue times XD
I might sound like I’m trolling but I’m not. I honestly wish they’d just add bot healers to shuffle to alleviate queue times. Half the healers are worse than the comp stomp bots anyway. Would be doing the world a favor.
Beepbeepboop stop dying behind the pillar noob beepboopbeep.
is this really a thing? are dps queues fast under rival?
sounds like its a decent time to play something gibbed
Can the bots all be programmed to use gamer words and throw matches to really ensure immersion?
The idea is supposed to improve the pvp experience not replicate it.
Nobody wants to play current pvp. Its garbage. Cleave is everywhere, self sustain is everywhere, and CC is everywhere. People are playing better games. They’ve tried to make WoW for “everybody” but instead made it for nobody. But dont worry… They will just keep pushing out more $90+ mounts to make up for the loss of players and nothing will improve
I’m not a miracle worker!
At least you can just go next and be in another game in 5 minutes. Waiting 40 minutes for a double bm hunter lobby sucks
q on warrior main? a sea of frost mages
get tilted and q on bm hunter alt? no more mages…
this game hates me.
Does the same to me every game. My first solo on my mage was bm and mm hunter paired with a warrior
yeah I’m back on my warr again and we just bullied a mage because he was against me, feral and ret. he didn’t stand a chance really.
5 min queue times could be achieved with better tuning though.
We don’t need to sacrifice one for the other
Healing isn’t enjoyable.
Fix that and queues will drop. Need to get rid of dampening. Need to bring back actual casting.
They buffed healer stam they reduced trinket cool down they’ve made healers crazy op and people won’t do it still.
If someone does play healer what motivation is there to play shuffle? Heal some raging dps that’s un-inviteable to regular arenas when you could instead get your pick of comp/players and use VC to trade correctly?
Yea. Not worth it most of the time.
All those changes they made to healers didn’t really address some of the core issues. Which is weird. Sure, CC sucks, but what sucks more is not feeling like your healing is meaningful. Spamming instant heals has started to become more rewarding than actual casted heals.
For me though, and I have said this plenty of times now, the lack of casting has actually made it harder to heal. Less casting means more moving. For those of dinosaurs that use frames to heal, it’s just not fun.