Lesser Soul Fragments not picking up (Demon Hunter)

Replicated numerous times, the soul fragments don’t heal or get picked up from the ground.

Would include a link demonstrating this but apparently can’t.


This is also happening to me, started noticing it today after the new patch.

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Sometimes you can pick up the bugged ones if you run quite far away and then run back to them, but as far as raiding goes this is a bit too buggy now to be reliable

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Hopefully this is hotfixed tonight.

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Have no idea why there aren’t more posts on this tbh. Spec is broken. 1hr before raid, it’s not lookin good.

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RIP Demonic Appetite.

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Surprised still no response.

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Yup same issue finally got a good armor drop from hero EP and tested this out, can confirm fragments are not being picked up

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I too, have fragmented souls laying around me not being devoured by my demonic soul. Sucks tbh, had 7 frags that i couldnt pickup on 2nd boss in UR earlier.

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It sucks cause the alternatives are worse than the bugged trait. But we’re on Ashvane now and you really feel it when you need as much dps as possible. Don’t have enough raiders to sit the DHs ;(.

I experienced this on my DH when I was doing an invasion in Drustvar.

Can confirm this is happening only on Havoc spec, but it bugs almost on every soul fragment that is generated. Started experiencing this since patch 8.2.5 too.

bump this please

Also happening to me as havoc. Very annoying. Please buff pickup radius to x3 while fixing. Thanks.

bump. Having the same issue.

Bumping again, because honestly this is the worst.

Keep an eye on this thread to see if they hotfix anything else other than Druid.

There are quite a few things they have to fix afaik, I feel bad for them. Raid problems, class problems, quest problems. Hopefully we’re back to running around for orbs reliably tomorrow.

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Bumping - this needs to get more attention. FIX IT - makes the class play drastically different.

Seems to be working, kind of, the souls are getting picked up, but…

I seem to be getting a lot less soul fragments on target dummies now, compared to the last couple of weeks for example. I’ll do some more testing but it feels like I’m having to cast Demon’s Bite much more.

Anyone else?

I notice about half the time, the soul fragments function as normal. Then I’ll be standing next to 3-4 after a fight, and they’re just chillin’ in their respective spots.

Haven’t noticed a reduction in overall fragments, but haven’t been sitting at a target dummy. Things dying fast won’t drop too many fragments.

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