Length of SOM 1, what is even SOM 2?

To be fair its not JUST the forums. Its pretty much every wow related community i lurk on. reddit/twitter/imageboards. i really just seems like everyone hates it. maybe its not wbuffs they hate but them being ~required~ i DID really like how servers basically worked together for them. that was cool. community interaction is always good.

I dont think the wbuff thing is was som’s population is the way it is. I think most people didnt want to redo vanilla again so soon. there are a lot of people like me who just do not care at all about wbuffs

Kekbot I’ll let you address this one. I cba to repeat myself sometimes

every waking hour of free time

No. I abandon games that require second-full-time-job levels of investment. I did buffchasing during classic, saw and killed every boss from Lucifron to Kel Thuzad.

World buffs meta was 100% anti-fun and was the #1 cause of burn out and ghost-quitting. Buff-chasing sweatlords and 'tism-gripped speedrunners were NOT the majority, nor were they the only ones to get clears in Naxx

haha u r just lazy Lolo not good enough

Spare me your gaslighting antics, ply them against someone dumb enough to fall for them.


You completely ignored what u told you. No surprise there. The fact remains that classic wow takes a ton of time to play thoroughly, getting world buffs takes time as does farming gold and leveling. So why then is the hour buffing cancer but not the hour farming gold or prepping for raid? World buffs are fun for a lot of people. Maybe you’re just different. I will tell you this tho, you’ll never prove me otherwise

It really doesn’t. Minimal investment with a modicum of ability will get you just as many kills as sweatswamping it from start to finish.

Not one world buff is required to kill any boss in the entire game. NOT ONE.

If DPS benchmarks couldn’t be hit without full WBs you’d have something resembling a point but that isn’t how it worked out. You can walk into Naxx 100% unbuffed and so long as you and your raid play properly and arent undergeared, you can walk out with KT dead in a night.

Face, honest question (no troll) here. What did you think of the chronoboon? Did that address some of your concerns? If your guild asked that you get them and you could do so when convenient for you, did it help at all?

I think chronoboon was a bandaid on a bulletwound. That wound being rampant raidlogging outside buff collection. Before boon once you had a buff you had to stay logged until the next buff you needed was available in order to not lose precious minutes off the buffs you had.

This meant that 60 raiders perpetually raidlogged to save buffs, leading to a massive crater in the level 60 population.

It treated the symptom, not the underlying cause.


This conversation has literally nothing to do with needing world buffs to clear content and everything to do with world buffs being fun for a lot of people, as well as contributing to mass server cooperation and world pvp. Typing in caps isn’t proving anything to me except your emotion on the matter. There is no large scale world pvp on som, neither is the server very largely interconnected solely because of this alone.

Not everything in wow is about winning. Being a fun game is probably something people want out of a game.

But do go on

That’s just it though. Buffchasing WASNT fun. Anyone that isn’t down bad with the sunk cost fallacy is capable of admitting that freely.

I did it for a year. I’ll never do it again, even if it means I’ll never raid classic era again. It made the game un-fun on the most basic of levels.

To play the game you had to not play the game until it was the scheduled time to play the game.


That’s crazy you must live in a completely different world than me because my server loved the thrill of getting, keeping and fighting for their buffs. I guess you are just boring. I never had to log off for more than an hour or two. Wow isn’t a game that caters around your IRL schedule. That’s your job

but my server loved it haha

No, they didn’t. Neither did you. You just sunk so much time into it that you have to tell yourself you did to justify all that wasted time you spent adhering to a meta that nobody enjoyed.

You’re down bad with sunk cost… just like I said in my last post.


That’s crazy bro. Do you have proof of this claim?

Just as much as you do that your “whole server” loved it.


I guess I could go through months old discord servers and conversations and provide all the proof I needed, didn’t think I would need to as what I claim is not wildly outrageous.

The fact of the matter is world buffs incentivizes world pvp and server cooperation. BRM was fun, silithus was fun. I was a healer so I don’t care as much, I just liked wiping guilds with theirs and fighting to keep ours. Tell me, what server did you play on?

What class did you play in classic?

Warrior. Why?

Who was your character and server out of curiosity

Because world buffs have a risk/reward factor that only feels truly enjoyable for people that dps. If you were a dps warrior and you didn’t like world buffs, that’s the first I’ve ever heard of someone playing the meta but hating it simultaneously.

It’s always a red flag for me when a warrior says they don’t like buffs

I hated it because of the tedium of collecting them like Pokémon and the fact I couldn’t play my warrior on nights that weren’t raid nights.

I never said that didn’t have an effect. I said chasing them for a year wasn’t fun.

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