Can we get some feedback from the dev(s??) or community managers? Maybe some gossip from the lunchroom? It seems like Warlock has just been completely ignored in 11.1 after being in a pretty middle to low place throughout the first patch. I know no one can say anything but it’s very noticeable that you guys just don’t have anyone employed for warlock. Did you fire them? Are they okay? We are legitimately concerned for your well being!!!
We want you to be able to develop the class like most of the other class devs are able to. Are you tied up? Do you need to be rescued!?
Here’s the fix. Rework/Overhaul the spec in a DoT manner for current content because it’s still outdated for every pull. Remove Malefic Rapture = Fixed. 5 years this spell has ruined the spec.
The Warlock Devs are really behind right now. Even Kalamazi is now tweeting hoping for 11.2 patch for a lock fix.
11.2 is way too late. That is the end of the expansion. We’re in a world where we only get 3 seasons now. The warlock dev has been behind since DF. I don’t understand how they are this bad compared to their peers but we obviously don’t know the whole story.
I side with Kalamazi’s words on this,
The faster patch cadence has impacted classes in a bad state. I also a firm believer the encounter designers don’t talk to the class developers for a lot of the fights coming in M+ and Raid. I’d be happier with a slower patch cadence if Classes were taken more seriously…It’s the most important part about playing the game to have fun. If your class doesn’t perform guess what you will be declined because you either aren’t meta or viable.
This new aggressive approach to class changes doesn’t work when you start to neglect classes. Mistweaver Monk and Mages as a whole have seen so many changes to their talent trees since DF.
Meanwhile, warlock has not seen the light of day for the past few ptr patches.
Aff is in a bad state.
Destro looks to be returning to RoF spam in single target again.
Demo loses out on some of the little utility we do have in being forced to always run Felguard.
Our class tree was barely touched up on the alpha, is incredibly clunky, and with so many 2-point nodes we have little room to afford flexibility in our talent choices.
But I guess we can wait for 11.2 Midnight WoW 2 The heat death of the universe.
Xelnath was probably the last actual good Dev for the class, but he ended up getting terminated for saying disrespectful things about the rest of the class dev team and complaining to the public about cataclysm spell getting added. This was around MoP where warlock gameplay was some of the best it ever was and it’s been all downhill ever since.
Utility has plummeted, many core abilities from back then have been deleted or nerfed heavily, pets have lost a lot of utility over the years and the once tanky cloth class is now arguably the squishiest in PvP (highest death rate in arenas for all 3 specs per skillcap YouTube channel).
The sad state of things currently compared to what they were has caused me to unsubscribe a few times over the last 10+ years and I’m feeling the urge to do it again if warlocks continue to get just outright ignored.
Last i heard, we supposedly share the class dev with mages, which, if is the case, we’ll continue to suffer, because blizz has always favored mages. MoP era warlock was some of the best, after the lock dev left, its been misery, with occasionally being good, maybe a bit op, because the current dev knows not what to do with lock.
To add to this if this certain dev loves mages over warlocks we are screwed. Any new cool ideas or interactions they come up with almost always go to mages.
While for the warlock class let’s just increase passives damage, do nothing for the gameplay or rotations/talents, lets keep affliction having to spread dots as if it’s years outdated.
Lastly for some strange reasons warlock/shadow priest are still the only specs that are still required to cast so much when everyone else just throws instants pops CDs and just runs with it.
The tanky warlock fantasy is gone when every class received some additional defensive or ability in tww. Especially through the new talents/hero trees.
Frankly I’m done with this game.
When you see the devs put effort into some specs over others continuously. Changing combat dynamics, making them keep up with how current game encounters are created with some many mechanics while other specs just have to deal with it, making some this in mythic+ being some bloated with their toolkits while others are left with barely a mention for several months is a slap to the face as a player.
Sure keep doing this and eventually devs you’re playerbase will notice and just start leaving, hopefully the whales keep you guys afloat.
Here’s to another marvel rivals type of cannibalism. And like blizzard dev style only adjusting things when it’s already late into an expansion like they have always done, a company that annually makes about 14 billion dollars on us putting the effort of one that is struggling to make 50 mil. Pathetic.