Seeing all those majestic changes to Naxx gear seems pretty bonkers at face value. But I have a legitimate concern about the healer’s mana and mana pool.
We seems to be gaining power like no tomorrow in Naxx but you have nerfed down all intellect and spirit stats from gear (at least on the druid healer one). But for classes like healers (WHO ACTUALLY HAVE A USE FOR THEIR MANA), how is that suppose to go? We get the power but no mana to support it? Most of my hots as a druid causes over healing anyway so all that power is pretty much useless? And forget spamming rejuvenation on everyone, we got no mana pool to do that now. I just don’t get it. In terms of raw stats (not +healing or crits, etc.), this set will be worst than T1.
Can someone at Blizzard explain the magic behind all that? how is it supposed to work? What the new mechanic consist of? Do we get the Loatheb debuff 100% of the time now?
And the other elephant in the room…
Why did you do that to this set…
It will be useless outside of Naxx or against any other type of monster other than undead…