[A] Final Attempt. REROLL March 1st. Sargeras

We start leveling on March 1st. 4pm pst

We are a reroll guild, rolling on the server, Sargeras. We will be launching the guild on March 1st at 4PM PST. We are led by a group of people that have played together for years but have grown tired of the same thing all the tim, carrying the bad players on farm and sit them the next raid night or on pregression. Which slows down over all progression and puts a lot of stress on the rest of the guild by carrying dead weight. If you want to join a team of players that are committed to getting heroic down asap and then hitting a little bit of mythic on our second raid night then this will be the guild for you. We are not going to be an extremely hardcore guild but we do have expectations. What better way to meet new people and build a team then to reroll together and push into raid content.

In the past, other reroll guilds, had level caps along the way to keep everyone close together. We are looking at something similar but we also want to get to BoD asap to get AOTC. We are wanting to start the leveling on March 1st at 4pm. So we are looking at leveling to 110 within 2 weeks and pushing to 120 together on March 15th at 4pm. There will not be many restrictions in this guild when it comes to leveling. We ask that you level with us to the best of your abilities. If we start the push to 120 and your not 110 you can boost to catch up. We want normal cleared within 2 weeks of reaching 120 and then push into Heroic and get AOTC before the nerfs and new content is released. This may seem fast for some but with heirlooms and warmode on the leveling will go fast. April 2nd if we are geared and ready will be our first raid as a guild.

Before the reroll starts we will have the guild created and everyone will be able to level to 20 so we can be consistent with the allied races. If you have a 120 already on another server and really enjoy the playstyle and want to stick with it we ask that you level with us to 120 and then you may switch over once we start raiding. If you have a dps class you will need to level as dps, tank as a tank, and heals as a heal, so we can see how things go along the way and we aren’t short any positions.

Our raid times will be Tuesday and Thursday from 5-8PM PST, 8-11 EST.

Tanks spots are full atm unless you are willing to flex tank if one of our tanks are gone. DPS will be your main spec.

Healing spots will be limited based on need. Currently have a Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Holy Paladin and a Priest(unsure of holy or disc). If you want to be a flex healer please let us know so we can get the roster built around it. DPS will be your main spec but certain fights we may ask you to swap to heals.

We will be running 5 melee with one being a DH and the rest of the dps will need to be ranged.

If you are wanting to DPS you will be expected to parse blue and higher on most fights to keep your raid spot. We are looking to have a competent team that can dabble in mythic when the time comes.

When we start raiding the trial system will start. Trials can last 2-3 weeks depending on performance. Blue parses while following mechanic as well as what the raid lead says. After 2 weeks of solid performance you will be promoted to raider if you have an off week we will reach out with problems that arise and you will be moved to 3rd week trial. After the 3rd week if your still not performing well you will be demoted to social in the guild or be asked to leave. We will not be carrying bad players
While we are mainly an AOTC guild we still want to get content down fast and work on alts or relax and run keys if we get a 1 night clear.

Discord chatter during boss fights will be limited to the raid lead, healing lead and tank swaps. After bosses drop and we are clearing trash feel free to relax and have a good time but during bosses, chatter needs to be at a minimum.

When we aren’t raiding on raid nights most of us run keys. We have multiple 10+ key clears and strive to get them done each week for the free loot. Tanks and healers will be running keys to help people get geared.

Please feel free to reach out to any of us in game.
Battletag: Taaser#1461 Discord: Taaser#1645
Battletag: Evilkid11#1346
Battletag: Luny#1769 Discord: Lunywalnut(ronnie)#7353
Battletag: Jagermeifter#1410

Sounds good. lets do it!

Yeah buddy!

Will be good times!

I’ve been Horde for years, been looking to roll alliance for awhile. Totally interested.

Hey sounds good to me!!

I approve. Looking forward to this

Wall of text. Looking for some more people that want a fresh start and focus on heroic.


This sounds really fun!

When can i get an invite? Seems fun. Lets kill some bosses!!!

Grabbing some recruits today! Starting to flow in!

Sounds good to me, was in a reroll not too long ago on Sargeras that kinda fell apart being absorbed into another guild like 3 days in. Finished leveling my toon but wasn’t “feeling it” with the new group and what happened. For Healers you seem to have four, are the raid spots competitive? So if I roll a healer there would be a shot for a spot if I out perform the other healers? See ya and thanks.

Hey Jovaak, sorry for the late response! Yes all spots are competitive so if you perform better you would get a raiding spot.

Also if you can flex heal for us and dps main spec that’s always an option as well.

Hit us up for discord server invites!

Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck
Scrub the deck and make it look

Guild is Made.

Need some ranged dps!

All DPS spots open atm. Get it folks!