Has anyone else had major problems with the Legion/Dalaran questline being impossible?
The Portal in Stormwind Keep just is not there (even tried on multiple characters)
Every instance of Dalaran I fly to seems to be the wrong one (including the one over Karazhan)
Kadgar’s assistant to advance the quest never has the next part available, and even going directly to Stormheim the questlines that should be there are either missing or the NPC’s for turn-ins are not where they are meant to be.
Super frustrating!
Has anyone found recent work arounds for these bugs?
There’s a lot to unpack here.
What quest are you actually on? Not just the questline, but an actual quest, in your log.
There is no portal in SW to Legion Dalaran and this is largely on purpose. If you start the Legion questline correctly you will receive a Legion Dal hearthstone to use if you leave for some reason and need to go back. There is one to Azsuna that I actually thought was always available but perhaps you have to have started the intended Legion quest chain first.
I am curious how you are getting to Stormheim if you can’t get to Dalaran. Regardless Legion is structured so that you can’t do much of it just by “going there” - it all starts from your class hall which in turn starts from the initial Legion quest chain which is the only right way to start Legion.
They removed the portal when you do the intro quest a while back. Instead, there’s an NPC in the mage tower when you first enter it that will teleport you to Dalaran over Karazhan if you’ve got the quest. (They’ll have a “title” that will fit RP wise with Legion, I can’t remember it offhand.)
If you don’t have the Legion starter quest, what Legion quests have you done? Did you do the Broken Shore intro questline? Part of it?
I start the quest from the Board and go through Broken Shore. I have the Dalaran Hearthstone on both characters.
Where I run into trouble is once I hit Calling of the Council, since it tells you to take the portal from Stormwind Keep (not there), and using the Dalaran Hearthstone seems to take me to the wrong instance of Dalaran (Khadgar shows the Uniting the Isles quest, but not Calling of the Council. This is where I am stuck on character 1 (level 40).
On character 2 (level 60), I had the same issue, but instead flew to Karazhan, then up to Dalaran above and managed to complete the quests through to turn in of Hiding in The Stacks, but Khadgar’s Upgraded Servant will not give me the next quest (City Under Siege).
I am only doing this questline to get Friendly with the factions needed to unlock world quests, so tried going from Dalaran to Suramar and was able to do those quests, then going to Stormheim and Highmountain most quests either don’t show up, or the NPC’s for turn in are not where they are marked on the map.
I want to do this all in order, but the instructions in game are clear as mud
Those are the quests accessed through the Archivist NPC and aren’t required for any of the other Legion quest progress unless something has changed. (Although if you’ve started them, they may mess up your phasing until you’ve completed them.) See if the NPC in the mage tower will teleport you to Dalaran over Karazhan.
It’s not actually possible to do them in order anymore. The quests on the Archivist NPC are from the Legion pre-patch. They put them on the Archivist so later characters could still see them, but you can only access them after you’ve started Legion. (Originally, you did them before Legion was even accessible.)
As for getting the starter quests for the other zones, you’ll need to open up your Order Hall. Once you’ve done that you’ll get access to the scouting map which lets you pick up the breadcrumb quests for each of the zones. (And things can be weird and buggy if you try to skip opening the Order Hall.)
Thank you!
I have been so confused trying to follow various guides on WoWPedia, WoWHead and Youtube and the info is obviously now outdated (as are the in-game instructions).
I cant start any of the Stormheim world quest after getting friendly with every other faction in Broken Isles (except valajar obvi). trying to unlock void elf but this is actually ridiculous and so janky an unintuitive.
Stormheim has a fairly involved intro quest chain you need to do, so you can’t just run to the zone to start it. If you go to your Order Hall, you should be able to get the starter quest from the scouting map.
hello I’m a level 70 druid and I’m in dragonflight. I’m wanting to go back to do my legion order hall for the forms. I can’t figure out how to start legion…
If you for sure never did any of it before, you want “The Legion Returns” from the Warchief’s board in Org.
If you might have started that, you would need to work out where you are along that chain and pick it back up.